I know I'm going to sound very silly because I'm not very good at all this. I only became a teenager last week... Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, my mom got a new phone. She said I could have her old phone because I wanted to get a game that wasn't available to download on my iPad. But today, I wanted to change the gmail on the phone and change it to mine, so I set a new one up like 30 minutes ago. I went into settings and I signed out her Gmail from the old phone ( her gmail wasn't synced and I don't know what that means haha because I'm a silly person ) I went into Gmail app and I noticed that ALL OF HER EMAILS WERE ON MY NEW EMAIL :( Did I delete her account and change it to mine? I don't know what to do. I don't understand. This is probably stupid to you guys but I'm afraid I did something bad. Please help me. I'm actually scared I did something wrong to it. Please reply in a easy way how to fix it because I'm not good at all this stuff. Thank you :)