I'm trying to run a script that exectues when the device has finished booting. This particular device does not support running scripts from an init.d directory, which is why I am using init.rc.
The init.rc file has been modified to include the following code
on property:sys.boot_completed=1
start initAsic
service initAsic /data/local/tmp/runn.sh
user root
group root
The boot image has then been rebuilt and flashed to the device. The changes can be confirmed by viewing the init.rc file located at /
Currently I am only using a simple test script (testScript.sh) which issues the following command
echo hi >> /data/local/tmp/test.txt
The testScript.sh and text.txt file has 777
permissions set and both have been pushed to the device using adb push
Their current location is /data/local/tmp/
For some reason it seems that my script is not running, as I can't see any text being written to test.txt.
Am I missing something?
Could it be an issue with SELinux?
My device currently has SElinux set to permissive. This was done via altering the BoardConfig.mk file and doing a rebuild of the boot.img.