Search Result for View Adapters
Sample Code and Directory of libraries for Android DevelopersA single adapter implementation for any scrolling view or ViewGroup
This library consolidates the differences between BaseAdapter, RecyclerView.Adapter, PagerAdapter, and binding to ViewGroup into one unified API.
A RecyclerView
adapter to add sectioned headers.
The easiest way to create adapters! You can add a lot of different layouts and models. This library avoid all the boilerplates needed to create a list for your application.
Highly inspired on Renderers and RecyclerViewRenderers.
adapter classes for managing multiple view types.
SectionCursorAdapter adds sections and fast scroll to CursorAdapter
as an easily implementable feature.
Small Android library that lets developers write their own list adapters without copying code from previous projects.
Open source project in order to implement Pinterest like list view on Android.
The code brings up an easy way of using recyclerView, with the new recycler adapters. It also contains a BaseRecyclerFragment
and a RecyclerStandalone
that removes a lot of boiler plate for fragments that contains either grids or lists. It also offers out of the box a DividerItemDecoration
that handles the drawing of the divider in the recycler view. As well selectors for the items in your lists are handled.
Drag and Drop adapter implementation for RecyclerView
. Targeted to support any LayoutManager and ItemAnimator.
BaseAdapterHelper aims to make BaseAdapter's getView() method much more readable, getting rid of the ViewHolder pattern boilerplate code.
QuickAdapter allows you to shorten the code of most usual BaseAdapter, taking care of implementing everything for you based on your data list. You only need to focus on the mapping between your view and your model.
in Android supports header and footer views - views that do not belong to the underlying adapter but otherwise show up in the list and scroll along with the contents. However, they only work if you have not yet set your own adapter and are therefore not terribly flexible.
The SackOfViewsAdapter
is another way of approaching this. Here, you provide the Views
that make up the rows, and the adapter feeds them to Android as if they were newly created.
The SackOfViewsAdapter
is designed to be sub-classed, mostly to determine how isEnabled() behaves, so you can control which of those views are selectable and which simply scroll with the list.
is a handy feature in API Level 9 and higher, telling you where your Android application is doing things it probably should not on the main application thread.
In the spirit of StrictMode
, the StrictModeEx
project offers classes to help you diagnose similar sorts of problems beyond what StrictMode itself offers.
Right now, that consists of one class: StrictAdapter
. This ListAdapter
wrapper will log slow-running getView() calls, plus optionally give you an overall performance view on how your Adapter
is doing in the code you control.
Android comes with a few "wrapper" classes, like CursorWrapper
, that make it relatively easy for you to add just a bit of functionality to an existing object. The wrapper delegates all behaviors to the wrapped object; you just override the specific behaviors you need. This works well in cases where there are many possible underlying implementations, so you could not robustly accomplish these ends by subclassing.
Android lacks such a wrapper for ListAdapter
, though. There is a WrappedListAdapter
entry in the SDK, but it is an interface, not an implementation.
So, CWAC offers an AdapterWrapper
to fill this void.
accepts a mix of Adapters and Views and presents them as one contiguous whole to whatever ListView it is poured into. This is good for cases where you have multiple data sources, or if you have a handful of ordinary Views to mix in with lists of data, or the like.
Simply create a MergeAdapter
and call addAdapter(), addView(), or addViews() (latter accepting a List
There is also MergeSpinnerAdapter
for use with Spinner widgets.
This project offers an ArrayPagerAdapter
that offers another alternative PagerAdapter implementation for use with ViewPager.
Renderers is an Android library created to avoid all the Adapter/ListView boilerplate needed to create a new adapter and all the spaghetti code that developers used to create following the ViewHolder
classic implementation.
This Android library offers you two main classes to extend and create your own rendering algorithms out of your adapter implementation.
Renderers is an easy way to work with android ListView
and Adapter
classes. With this library you only have to create your renderers and declare the mapping between the object to render and the renderer.
android-parallax-recyclerview is an adapter which could be used to achive a parallax effect on RecyclerView.
EfficientAdapter is an efficient adapter to make the use of RecyclerView much easier.
Sick of writing ViewHolder classes, inflate xml and distinguish ViewTypes in your adapters?
Write less code with AnnotatedAdapter, an annotation processor for generating RecyclerView and AbsListView adapters.
An AdapterView with support for vertical and horizontal scrolling.
- View recycling while scrolling, just like ListView/GridView.
- Vertical and horizontal scrolling support.
- Accessibility support
- Keyboard events and navigation
- Focus handling
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