Creates a view with a circle progress arc.
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Creates a view with a circle progress arc.
Hopper is a goal-directed static analysis tool for languages that run on the JVM. It is a much-improved and more feature-full version of Thresher written in Scala rather than Java.
Realm browser that can be used to see tables, structure and content. This browser can be accessed from localhost that hosted by the Android device.
Chuck is a simple in-app HTTP inspector for Android OkHttp clients. Chuck intercepts and persists all HTTP requests and responses inside your application, and provides a UI for inspecting their content.
An Android library that takes the standard Android Toast and takes it to the next level with a variety of styling options that gives your app and user experience that little extra unique feeling! Style your toast either by code or in styles.xml!
A Powerful AlphabetIndex FastScroller for Android's RecyclerView! Its shows Alphabets over scrolling the recycle view from A-Z.
A lightweight RxJava2 wrapper for the Android Firebase client SDK, the user is expected to own the lifecycle of an asynchronous request via RxJava2 Disposable handling, however elements in this library will properly unregister listeners when a Publisher is cancelled, except in the case of value setting where it is only possible to register a listener when making the request. In this case the emitter is checked for it's subscription state.
Whilst the FirebaseDatabase api is mirrored with RxFirebaseDatabase it only really uses the database reference, this is so that the reference hierarchy can easily be traversed through child and parent elements. Methods requiring FirebaseDatabase obtain this from the DatabaseReference and allow you to chain further requests by returning itself.
This library depends on RxTasks and RxJava2 to provide appropriate api responses. Therefore asynchronous responses will return, Single, Completable and Flowable respectively.