Android SDK Search Extension
A Chrome extension that adds an 'ad' omnibox command and view source links for the Android SDK.
The extension can be downloaded on the Chrome Web Store.
Source link:
A Chrome extension that adds an 'ad' omnibox command and view source links for the Android SDK.
The extension can be downloaded on the Chrome Web Store.
Q & A
Ported adapters for ViewPager
allowing usage for both Android framework and support development approaches.
OneCalendarView is a custom CalendarView
that allows android developers to have the same CalendarView
in any android application (for API 16 or higher).
Add some Depth to your fragments.
An android library that wraps the ExoPlayer and the IMA Android SDK which plays a video advertisement. This is written in Kotlin.
Change Android launcher App Icon and App Name programmatically.
A Twitter style post length counter which can be bound to an EditText
and provide callbacks when hitting a max character count.
Once bound to an EditText the characters remaining will go down as the user types. If the user goes over the max limit you will get notified and the view will show how much they are over.
Q & A