Android animated clock Drawable.
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Android animated clock Drawable.
Simple binary instrumentation toolkit for Android ARM + Thumb.
Instrumentation is based on library injection and hooking function entry points (in-line hooking).
The toolkit consists of two main components the hijack tool and the base library.
Simple and easy to use toolkit for dynamic instrumentation of Dalvik code. Instrumentation is based on library injection and hooking method entry points (in-line hooking). The actual instrumentation code is written using the JNI interface.
The DDI further supports loading additional dex classes into a process. This enables instrumentation code to be partially written in Java and thus simplifies interacting with the instrumented process and the Android framework.
Android Google+ like floating action button which reacts on the list view scrolling events. Becomes visible when the list view is scrolled up and invisible when scrolled down.
A simple Android ImageView implementation which draws a letter on a randomly colored background.
A simple charting library for Android, supporting line- bar- and piecharts, scaling, dragging and selecting.
The Android Action Bar Style Generator allows you to easily create a simple, attractive and seamless custom action bar style for your Android application. It will generate all necessary nine patch assets plus associated XML drawables and styles which you can copy straight into your project.
Use it online here: