Android animated clock Drawable.
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Android animated clock Drawable.
Mortar Architect provides a flexible stack for navigating and displaying views and their presenters.
Architect is Mortar scope-centric. A Mortar scope is the glue between a View and its ViewPresenter. Architect will create a Mortar scope for each View & ViewPresenter association. A StackScope is a class that Architect will look for when building a Mortar scope, and its role is to configure the Mortar scope.
In your applications you often need to change certain configuration settings, monitor internal state or simply try to understand what, DebugDrawer allows you to easily add a slide out drawer with the ability to do this. Classes are provided to allow you to easily create your own additions to customize to your needs.
Simple file dump utility for Android.
An animated circle loading view.
Bubbles for Android is an Android library to provide chat heads capabilities on your apps. With a fast way to integrate with your development.