A library to show emoji,voice, commentview for Android
Support features
- custom display voice
- custom display more button
- can show emoji
Simple custom view of a beating heart using scaling animation. Has option to set the duration of animation based on BPM (beats per minute).
Are you tired of creating a new DialogFragment
for each Dialog
that you want to display?
This is an Android library that provides a simple implementation of a DialogFragment. It allows to define the content of the Dialog (and its button listeners) without having to create a new DialogFragment subclass.
Android App starter based on Android + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Robolectric + Espresso + Mockito + JaCoCo.
Floating-ArcMenu A prety menu for all application
Android floating arc menu which reacts on scrolling events. Becomes visible when an attached target is scrolled up and invisible when scrolled down.
Ever get stuck with iOS image resources? Rather than write your own script, use this one to rename and move iOS image resources so they work for Android. Now converting iOS resources to Android ones is easy!
TwoStageRate is a library to help you promote your android app by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days. Also its two stage process ensures higher reviews to go to play store while getting useful feedback on lower ratings.