A library to show emoji,voice, commentview for Android
Support features
- custom display voice
- custom display more button
- can show emoji
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Q & A
AutoGo is a library that bases on the runtime annotations just like the butterKnife and dagger. In other word, it will generate some code automatically according to the annotations you add during compiling to emancipate us from boilerplate code.
A simple copying external database library for Android.
The goal of this library is to allow your app to support multiple FontFamilies (e.g. lato, roboto, etc.) with their own styles (e.g. normal, bold, italic) in an easily-configurable way.
Gradle plugin for managing android app versionCode and versionName. Auto update versionCode on every git commit.
Helper classes for Requesting Android Runtime Permissions.
Android utils for context and thread.
Q & A