
Source link: https://github.com/f2prateek/dart


Extra "binding" library for Android which uses annotation processing to generate code that does direct field assignment of your extras.

Dart is inspired by ButterKnife.

class ExampleActivity extends Activity {

@InjectExtra String extra1;
@InjectExtra int extra2;
@InjectExtra User extra3; // User implements Parcelable
 @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




  // TODO Use "bound" extras...


Simply call one of the bind() methods, which will delegate to generated code. You can bind from an Activity (which uses its intent extras), Fragment (which uses its arguments) or directly from a Bundle.

The key used for the extra will be the field name by default. However, it can be set manually as a parameter in the annotation: @InjectExtra("key")

Optional Injection

By default all @InjectExtra fields are required. An exception will be thrown if the target extra cannot be found.

To suppress this behavior and create an optional binding, add the @Nullable annotation to the field or method. Any annotation with the class name Nullable is respected, including ones from the support library annotations and ButterKnife.

@Nullable @InjectExtra String title;

Default Values

You can assign any values to your fields to be used as default values, just as you would in regular "binding"-free code.

@InjectExtra String title = "Default Title";

This value will be overridden after you call bind(). Remember to use the @Nullable annotation, if this binding is optional.


Also included is a get() method that simplifies code to retrieve extras from a Bundle. It uses generics to infer return type and automatically perform the cast.

Bundle bundle = getIntent().getExtras();
 // getArguments() for a Fragment User user = Dart.get(bundle, "key");
 // User implements Parcelable


In Dart 2.0, we added an annotation processor that helps you to navigate between activities. The new module is called Henson (after Matthew Henson, the African-American Arctic explorer that first reached the North Pole) :

For the sample activity mentioned above, Henson will offer a DSL to navigate to it easily :

Intent intent = Henson.with(this)




.extra3(new User())


Of course, you can add any additional extra to the intent before using it.

The DSL will be generated for all classes which contain @InjectExtra fields. If you want to extend it to other classes, use the @HensonNavigable annotation.

@HensonNavigable class AnotherActivity extends Activity {

@Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




The Henson annotation processor will generate the Henson navigator class (used above) in a package that is :

  • either the package specified by the dart.henson.package annotation processor option
  • or if no such option is used, in the common package of all annotated activities. See the Javadoc of HensonExtraProcessor for more details.

If your activites and fragment are in different packages, you will need to specify a package via the dart.henson.package annotation processor option. If you're using gradle, simply add this to your build.gradle

apt {

  arguments {

"dart.henson.package" "your.package.name"

If you're using the newest version of Android gradle plugin, it's now possible to use a built-in annotationProcessor scope instead of apt. In this case, you can pass arguments to the annotation processors using :

defaultConfig {

  javaCompileOptions {

annotationProcessorOptions {

 arguments = [ 'dart.henson.package' : 'your.package.name' ]




As you can see from the examples above, using both Dart & Henson not only provides a very structured generated navigation layer and convenient DSLs; it also allows to wrap/unwrap parcelables automatically.


Dart 2.0 offers a built-in support for Parceler. Using Parceler with Dart 2 is optional.

If you use Parceler, Dart will automatically detect @Parcel annotated beans (pojos), or collections of them, and wrap them using the Henson DSL and unwrap them when they are bound via Dart.

@Parcel public class ParcelExample {

class OneMoreActivityActivity extends Activity {

@InjectExtra ParcelExample extra;
 @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {




  // TODO Use "bound" extras...

Intent intent = Henson.with(this)


.extra(new ParcelExample())


Parceler usage is optional and will take place only when Parceler is present in the classpath.

When available, Parceler will be used to parcelize collections instead of serializing them, in order to gain speed.


If ProGuard is enabled be sure to add these rules to your configuration:

-dontwarn com.f2prateek.dart.internal.** -keep class **__ExtraBinder {
 -keepclasseswithmembernames class * {

  @com.f2prateek.dart.* <fields>; 
 #for dart 2.0 only -keep class **Henson {
 -keep class **$$IntentBuilder {

#if you use it #see Parceler's github page #for specific proguard instructions 


For Dart 2.x : Gradle:

compile 'com.f2prateek.dart:dart:(insert latest version)' provided 'com.f2prateek.dart:dart-processor:(insert latest version)'

or maven

<version>(insert latest version)</version> </dependency> <dependency>
<version>(insert latest version)</version>
<scope>provided</scope> </dependency>

And for using Henson : Gradle:

compile 'com.f2prateek.dart:henson:(insert latest version)' provided 'com.f2prateek.dart:henson-processor:(insert latest version)'

When using Henson, as Android Studio doesn't call live annotation processors when editing a file, you might prefer using the apt Android Studio plugin. It will allow you to use the Henson generated DSL right away when you edit your code.

The Henson annotation processor dependency would then have to be declared within the apt scope instead of provided.

or maven

<version>(insert latest version)</version> </dependency> <dependency>
<version>(insert latest version)</version>
<scope>provided</scope> </dependency>

For Dart 1.x : Gradle:

compile 'com.f2prateek.dart:dart:(insert latest version)'


<version>(insert latest version)</version> </dependency>


For all Kotlin enthusiasts, you may wonder how to use this library to configure your intents. This is perfectly compatible, with a bit of understanding of how Kotlin works, especially when it comes to annotation processing.

Assuming that your project is already configured with Kotlin, update your build.gradle file :

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'  dependencies {

implementation 'com.f2prateek.dart:henson:(insert latest version)'
kapt 'com.f2prateek.dart:henson-processor:(insert latest version)' 

Now you can use @InjectExtra annotation to generate either non-null or nullables properties :

class ExampleActivity : Activity() {

lateinit var title: String
var titleDefaultValue: String = "Default Title"
var titleNullable: String? = null
 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {




 // TODO Use "injected" extras...


Note that you still need to use the Java @Nullable annotation otherwise Henson won't interpret your property as nullable and will generate a builder with a mandatory field (even though you declared your property as nullable with the "?" Kotlin marker). Finally, you have to add the @JvmField annotation or your compiler will complain about not having a backing field.

You may need to add an argument to your build.gradle file if your activities and fragments are located in different packages as mentioned above. The Kotlin syntax with kapt is :

kapt {

  arguments {

arg("dart.henson.package", "your.package.name")

Finally, if you are using Parceler that comes built-in with this library, the syntax does not change from Java, except when dealing with data classes. Because Parceler requires a default constructor with no argument, here is how you need to declare your data class :

@Parcel(Parcel.Serialization.BEAN) data class ParcelExample @ParcelConstructor constructor(

val id: Int,

val name: String,


Talks & Slides


Copyright 2013 Jake Wharton Copyright 2014 Prateek Srivastava (@f2prateek)  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 


Some common classes for use in your android projects.

A library to display videos in a TextureView using a custom MediaPlayer controller.

Custom implementation of the Floating Label pattern.

MultiSelectRecyclerGalleryGridView is a custom sample application which displays the Gallery images from the device in a more organised manner by displaying images in a categorized manner and enables the MultiSelect feature to pick and share the images through various sharing options.

IconColorChanger is a custom implementation in which icons with white colors can be transformed into different colors using hex color codes.

MaterialCircleProgressBar is a custom implementation of ProgressBar dialog as similar to SwipeRefreshLayout loader. It could be used as an alternative for normal ProgressBar in android.


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