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Doughnut Chart
Source link:
Doughnut Chart
Q & A
A handy set of utility for android.
SimplerRecyclerViewAdapter used to simplify the adapter structure for RecyclerView
Android Espresso made more fluent ☕️
This project is inspired by the Live Video Reactions on Facebook. I have used RxJava2 for handling the stream of reactions (like, love, haha, wow, sad, angry). I have put one extra condition that the time duration between two reactions should be atleast 300 ms.. This is achieved very easily by RxJava by using Flowable
RxJava2 EventBus that supports pausing and resuming. This way, you can achieve that the bus is queueing events while it is paused and emitting events while it is resumed which is a nice way to enforce that events are only observed, when for example your activity is resumed and your views are accessible.
This project is for downloading items(songs, images etc) in Android using RxJava2. There are, however 2 conditions which I have set for downloading.
1) Only 2 items can be downloaded at a time. So even if the user clicks multiple items to download, only 2 of them will be actually downloaded at a time and the rest of the downloads will be en queued.
2) The download percent is shown to the user. But only if the difference between the current percentage and the previously shown percentage is greater than 5 percent.
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