
Source link: https://github.com/emmasuzuki/EasyForm


Inspired by AngularJS's ng-pattern, required etc., EasyForm makes field validation with just an xml and easy. You set error properties and message in xml and EasyForm will show error message when it is needed. Optinally, a button can be disabled when there is an error and enabled when all fields have valid inputs.


This project is still with minimal features. I am very happy to accept any feature requests, bug reports. Please feel free to open Issues and I will try my best to prioritize it. I really like to ask for any additional feature ideas since a form varies for different product domains and I am bad at see all aspects of those use cases.


Install via gradle.

compile 'com.emmasuzuki:easyform:1.2.0' 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <com.emmasuzuki.easyform.EasyForm xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"






app:errorType="empty" />








app:regexPattern="[0-9]+" />








android:textColor="@android:color/white" />  </com.emmasuzuki.easyform.EasyForm>

Custom Views


EasyFrom is a ViewGroup which you wrap all form components inside. EasyForm is extending RelativeLayout, so you align any child views with just like you do for RelativeLayout.


Attributes Type Description
submitButton reference A submit button can be disable/enable based on field condition by setting view ID to submitButton property.
showErrorOn enum (unfocus/change) A field is validated and error will be displayed on unfocus of the field or on every keystroke. default: change

NOTE: If showErrorOn is set to "unfocus", submitButton will be enabled when user correctly filled all fields except the last one, so make sure to call easyForm.validate(); on submitButton click in your application. Check out LongFormFragment for the usage.


Function Description
void validate() Validate all fields if the fields meet a criteria or not.
boolean isValid() Return true if all fields have valid values.


EasyFormEditText extends EditText that will apply an error message by built-in setError() based on input and validation criteria.


EasyTextInputLayout extends TextInputLayout. Similar to EasyFormEditText, this applies an error message by built-in setError(). EasyTextInputLayout adds EditText automatically, so unlike you do with TextInputLayout, you do not have to add EditText as a child.


EasyAutoCompleteTextView extends AutoCompleteTextView. By passing items, auto complete values will be displayed using default simple drop down view. Similar to EasyFormEditText, this also has the form validation feature and as EasyFormEditText, it applies an error message by built-in setError().


Attributes Type Description EasyForm
errorMessage string,
Set an error message to show when a validation criteria does not match. ? ? ?
errorType enum (empty, pattern,
value, chars).
Set errorType. ? ? ? (Only empty, pattern, chars)
regexPattern string,
Set a regex to match against an input. If an input does not match with the regex, an error message will be displayed. Setting this automatically set errorType to pattern. ? ? ?
minValue float Set a minimum value (inclusive). Setting this automatically set errorType to value. ? ?
maxValue float Set a maximum value (inclusive). You can conbine with minValue. Setting this automatically set errorType to value. ? ?
minChars integer Set a minimum char length (inclusive). Setting this automatically set errorType to chars. ? ? ?
maxChars integer Set a maximum char length (inclusive). You can conbine with minChars. Setting this automatically set errorType to chars. ? ? ?
items reference Set list of suggestions for auto complete. ?
textSize dimension Set a textSize for an internal EditText. ?
textColor color,
Set a textColor for an internal EditText. ?
Bypass android's inputType to internal EditText. ?


Function Description EasyForm
void setErrorMessage(String) Set an error message to show when a validation criteria does not match. ? ? ?
void setErrorType(ErrorType) Set errorType (EMPTY, PATTERN, VALUE, CHARS). ? ? ?
void setRegexPattern(String) Set a regex to match against an input. If an input does not match with the regex, an error message will be displayed. Setting this automatically set errorType to pattern. ? ? ?
void setMinValue(int) Set a minimum value (inclusive). Setting this automatically set errorType to value. ? ?
void setMaxValue(int) Set a maximum value (inclusive). You can conbine with minValue. Setting this automatically set errorType to value. ? ?
void setMinChars(int) Set a minimum char length (inclusive). Setting this automatically set errorType to chars. ? ? ?
void setMaxChars(int) Set a maximum char length (inclusive). You can conbine with minChars. Setting this automatically set errorType to chars. ? ? ?
void setItems(String [])
void setItems(List<String>)
Set list of suggestions for auto complete. ?

More Examples

Check out Sample folder.

Feature Request, Bug Report

I am very happy to hear all of these. To keep this project going, please file an issue for any requests. File Issue


Copyright 2016 Emma Suzuki [email protected]

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


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  • Functional "from the box": without mandatory primary configuration, anywhere in the code, functionally and simply.
  • Integration with Gson library.
  • There is a flexible functionality for hiding\showing\disabled the views, progress dialogs, swipeRefresh layout when the query is executed.
  • Visual logs.
  • Control tasks execution: cancel all tasks, cancel task by tag and other.
  • The ability to intercept the results of a request with certain parameters.
  • Separation of errors into: error (server) and failed (connection).
  • Handling the redirects.

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  1. Menu will expand when user touch it and show menu options.
  2. You will get call back when user select menu.
  3. You can customize menu icons.
  4. Customize menu icon.

A bifacial view component.


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