Endoscope allows you to fast link two android devices and stream live video from camera one device to another. Video stream is over Wi-Fi. One device hosts live stream and another connect to it. Remember to use Endscope your devices must be connect to the same wi-fi network.
You can stream directly at VLC. Ip address looks like rtsp://ip address:port/
You can link to stream via:
QR CODE - scan qr code to get ip address.
NFC - enable nfc and touch two devices to get ip address.
You can type ip address manually.
You can configure:
resolution (800x480, 640x480, 480x320, 320x240)
encoder H264/263
audio stream
Used libraries
- fyhertz libstreaming
- kenglxn QRGen
- dlazaro66 QRCodeReaderView
- hanks-zyh SmallBang
- ReactiveX RxJava
- ReactiveX RxAndroid
- JakeWharton ButterKnife
- tbruyelle RxPermissions
Contact me
E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: https://twitter.com/hype_app
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007