##Animation can bring focus to objects that need user attention.
simple to use it, like this.
####simple factory ####jump Fab
#####????: ??????????????,????????? #####????:
Source link: https://github.com/qs-lll/FabActionAnimations
##Animation can bring focus to objects that need user attention.
####simple factory ####jump Fab
#####????: ??????????????,????????? #####????:
AssertJ assertions for RxJava Observables.
This library extends AssertJ core with the aim of providing elegant assertions to test RxJava Observables. The current version of this library only provides assertions aimed at testing "cold" Observables. You will need to transform your Observable into a BlockingObservable
before performing any assertion.
A library for testing javac compilation with or without annotation processors.
Android library which allows you to swipe down from an activity to close it.
IntelliJ plugin for adding Fragment newInstance Inspection.
IntelliJ plugin for adding Android createIntent Inspection.
This plugin shows a confirmation dialog before executing gradle tasks.