simple and easy json parser, json generator, and data holder based on JSONArray and JSONObject for android,
like SwiftyJSON but for android
Add to your project
To use JSON you must add it as a dependency in your Gradle build:
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://jitpack.io"
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.amirdew:JSON:v1.0.0'
Usage - parse json
You can create JSON object from string and access data with key() and index() methods.
String simpleJsonString = "{
\"id\":1,\"name\":\"A green door\",\"price\":12.5,\"tags\":[\"home\",\"green\"]
"; JSON json = new JSON(simpleJsonString);
//access data String firstTag = json.key("tags").index(0).stringValue();
Double price = json.key("price").doubleValue();
products json:
"id": 2,
"name": "An ice sculpture",
"price": 12.50,
"tags": ["cold", "ice"],
"dimensions": {
"length": 7.0,
"width": 12.0,
"height": 9.5
"warehouseLocation": {
"latitude": -78.75,
"longitude": 20.4
"id": 3,
"name": "A blue mouse",
"price": 25.50,
"dimensions": {
"length": 3.1,
"width": 1.0,
"height": 1.0
"warehouseLocation": {
"latitude": 54.4,
"longitude": -32.7
for(int i=0; i<products.count();
json productInfo = products.index(i);
String productName = productInfo.key("name").stringValue();
JSON is exception and null free, you can use key() and index() many times without worry about any exception.
int someValue = products.index(8).key("someKey").index(1).key("someOther").intValue();
//someValue = 0
check index or key is exist or is null:
if( products.index(3).key("someKey").isNull() ){
if( products.index(1).key("someKey").exist() ){
Available methods - parse
Method | Input type | Return type | Default | Description |
key() | String | JSON | - | if object is a dictionary return JSON object with input key |
index() | int | JSON | - | if object is a array return JSON object with input index |
stringValue() | - | String | empty string ("") | return .toString() of object |
intValue() | - | int | 0 | return integer value if possible |
longValue() | - | long | 0 | return long value if possible |
doubleValue() | - | Double | 0 | return Double value if possible |
booleanValue() | - | boolean | false | return true if object is kind of boolean and true or is kind of string and equal "true" |
value() | - | Object | - | return related object |
count() | - | int | 0 | if related object is a dictionary return number of keys, if related object is a array return length of array |
isNull() | - | boolean | - | return true if related object is null |
exist() | - | boolean | - | return true if related object with index or key exists |
getJsonArray() | - | JSONArray | null | return related JSONArray |
getJsonObject() | - | JSONObject | null | return related JSONObject |
Usage - generate json, data holding
You can use JSON.dic() and JSON.array() static methods to generate json string or hold and pass data
JSON generatedJsonObject = JSON.create(
"someKey", "someValue",
"someArrayKey", JSON.array(
"emptyArrayKey", JSON.array()
String jsonString = generatedJsonObject.toString();
"someKey": "someValue",
"someArrayKey": [
"emptyArrayKey": []
add, edit, remove:
note: now its work for first level only
"someKey": "someValue",
"someArrayKey": "someOtherValue"
Available methods - generate, edit, remove
Method | Input type | Description |
add() | Object | if current related object is an array add object at end of array |
remove() | Object | if current related object is an array and input object exist, remove it from array |
addWithIndex() | Object, int | if current related object is an array replace input object with object for input index |
removeWithIndex() | int | if current related object is an array remove object for input index |
addEditWithKey() | String, Object | if current related object is a dictionary add input object with input key |
removeWithKey() | String | if current related object is a dictionary remove object with input key |
static create() | Object | create new instance of JSON with input object |
static dic() | Object... | if number of input objects is even create JSONObject use even objects as key and odd obejcts as value |
static array() | Object... | create JSONArray use input objects |