Extension functions for Android's Cursor object.
val kursor: Cursor = // usersDb.query(...) kursor.forEach {
row -> print(it + " ")
// Output: // 1 Daenerys Targaryen 2 John Snow
It is also possible to just get a list of rows to perform typical List actions:
print(kursor.rows().fold("") {
acc, kursorRow ->
"$acc ${
kursorRow.reduce {
acc, any -> "$acc $any"
) // outputs: // 1 Daenerys Targaryen 2 John Snow
The toFormattedString()
function returns a table-formatted string:
+-----------+-----------+-----------+ | ID
| +-----------+-----------+-----------+ | 1
| Daenerys | Targaryen | | 2
| John
| Snow
| +-----------+-----------+-----------+
The table format can be slightly adjusted:
// Default values: print(kursor.toFormattedString(
// Shows column names
includeColumnNames = true,
// Column with. Less than 1 means auto-fit
// (note that there's a small performance penalty when enabled)
columnWidth = 0,
// Adds an extra separator between rows
rowsSeparator = false ))
so casting is needed in order to use the values.
Note that since DB tables usually hold more than one type, the returned value types of foreach will be Because of that you can also access by position by index, assuming that the value is not null:
// by specifying the type val id = kursor[0] intAt 1
// 2 (type is Int) val name = kursor[1] stringAt 1
// "John" (type is String) // OR with automatic casting by explicitly specifying variable's type val id: Int = kursor[1] getAs 1
// 2 val name: String = kursor[1] getAs 1 // "John" // OR with typical cast val id = kursor[1][1] as Int
// 2 val name = kursor[1][1] as String
// "John"
Note that values can be null, in that case you should use nullableIntAt
and it's alternatives or use smart-casting to nullable types.
Just replace 'x.x.x' with the version in the Jitpack badge on the top.
With gradle: edit your build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://jitpack.io"
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.aballano:kursor:x.x.x'
Or declare it into your pom.xml
</repository> </repositories> <dependency>
<version>x.x.x</version> </dependency>