Example code for "How-To SU"
For further details, see:
dependencies {
compile 'eu.chainfire:libsuperuser:1.0.0.+'
Source link: https://github.com/Chainfire/libsuperuser
Example code for "How-To SU"
For further details, see:
dependencies {
compile 'eu.chainfire:libsuperuser:1.0.0.+'
Combined both TedBottomPicker and Camera View, to get the View Similar to ImagePickers of Olx.
We can Pick Images From Gallery and Camera in two modes (Single, Multi), and pick multiple images from both Camera and Gallery.
This is the RxJava2 port of the RxGroups project developed by AirBnb. The branch rx-2.0 has the Rx2 changes. The changes have been done on master branch of RxGroups. The following documentation written for RxGroups by AirBnb applies to Rx2Groups as well. All the API and package names originally written by AirBnb remains as it is. I have transitioned all the RxJava APIs(including the unit tests) to RxJava2.
RxGroups lets you group RxJava Observables together in groups and tie them to your Android lifecycle. This is especially useful when used with Retrofit.
Logger is simple library, which will help you to find your logs easily, just clicking on log.
This is a collection of samples demonstrating the use of operators in RxJava 2.0 and RxKotlin.
A custom circular rotating dial like picker for android.
Android Dial Picker, a circular custom view that works just like a rotating dial. DialView is highly customizable via xml or code. You can set direction(left,top,right,bottom), max/min ranges, interval values and colours. These custom attributes can be added and styled via XML as well as programatically.
As the dial rotates, the current value gets updated and is displayed on the screen.
Reactive GraphQl client for Android.