LightCycle is an Android library that helps break logic out of Activity
and Fragment
classes into small, self-contained components called LightCycles.
Fields that are annotated @LightCycle
and implement the LightCycle API within a LightCycleActivity
or LightCycleFragment
will be bound to that Activity
or Fragment
For more information please see the website.
Build integration
ext.lightCycleVersion=<LATEST_VERSION> dependencies {
compile "com.soundcloud.lightcycle:lightcycle-lib:$lightCycleVersion"
annotationProcessor "com.soundcloud.lightcycle:lightcycle-processor:$lightCycleVersion"
Or if you're using a version of the Android gradle plugin below 2.2.0
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'
apply plugin: '' ext.lightCycleVersion=<LATEST_VERSION> dependencies {
compile "com.soundcloud.lightcycle:lightcycle-lib:$lightCycleVersion"
apt "com.soundcloud.lightcycle:lightcycle-processor:$lightCycleVersion"