Android button with delightful like animation inspired by Twitter's heart.
This is an example code described in blog post: Twitter's like animation in Android - alternative.
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Android button with delightful like animation inspired by Twitter's heart.
This is an example code described in blog post: Twitter's like animation in Android - alternative.
Q & A
RxObservableDiskCache is a library to save the results of Single
s or single value Observable
s request on a local disk cache, so the next time the same request is called you get an immediate result.
Diagonalify is the library to create diagonal cut view on imageviews
A quick settings tile to quickly set the animator duration scale.
Now you can preserve object instance without any hassle during orientation change.
Set of Proguard rules that need to be configured for some frequently used libraries.
A less buggier and customizable way to handle URLs in TextView
Q & A