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What does it do?

A simple logger for JackWhartons Timber logging library with following features:

  • defining group of log messages and filter them, even filter them on a per tree base
  • register custom log formatters to automatically format classes in your logs
  • automatically log first n values of lists/arrays (this automatically respects custom log formatters for classes in the collections!)
  • trees for:
    • logging to console (with the ability to add clickable links to the calling line in the calling class)
    • files (one file per day, select between numbered log file names or date based log file names)
    • notification (with filter functionality per group, next/prev log buttons and more...)
    • overlay logging (expandable/collapseable overlay, show errors only, pausing)
  • customise each tree to whatever you want or extend them
  • little utility class to log time and laps

All features are splitted into seperate modules, just include the modules you want to use!

Gradle (via

  1. add jitpack to your project's build.gradle:
repositories {

  maven {
 url "" 
  1. add the compile statement to your module's build.gradle:
dependencies {

  // base module (NECESSARY)  compile 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-library:2.0.3'
  // modules (OPTIONAL)
  compile 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-filelogger:2.0.3'
  compile 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-notification:2.0.3'  debugCompile 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-overlay:2.0.3'  releaseCompile 'com.github.MFlisar.Lumberjack:lumberjack-overlay-noop:2.0.3'

 // ALTERNATIVELY you can add ALL modules at once like following
  // compile 'com.github.MFlisar:Lumberjack:2.0.3' 

Example - LOGGING

The logger is simply used like following:

// this simply logs a message L.d("Simpe log");
 // arrays/lists can simple be logged directly, the formatter will take care of it L.d("Simple array log: %s", new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList("array value 1", "array value 2")));
 // group your logs, the formatter takes care of printing the groups and you can filter out groups if you want to L.withGroup("Group").d("Simple log in group");
 // a little helper builder to build object - value pairs and print them to the log L.d(L.labeledValueBuilder()
  .addPair("String", "Value")
  .addPair("Integer", 999)
  .addPair("Long", 5L));

Example - OUTPUT

This is what the demo setup will print out (to your file, to the notification, to console, to the overlay). It has pretty printing enabled and prints first 5 values of an array automatically. It as well prints caller class and group combined as tag. The demo shows that

  • arrays are printed automatically
  • custom classes are automatically formatted with the custom formatter you have registered, no matter if the classes are printed inside an array or as a simple value
  • caller class, tags and groups are printed

Example log

[<TEST-GROUP 1> L:65 initLumberjack]: initLumberjack fertig ( [<TEST-GROUP 2> L:66 initLumberjack]: LogFiles: [Type=String, Size=1] ( [  /data/user/0/com.michaelflisar.lumberjack.demo/files/log_20170301.log ] [MainActivity:30 onCreate]: Main activity created ( [MainActivity:31 onCreate]: Test message 1: This is the first simple test log ( [MainActivity:32 onCreate]: Test error: Test error log ( java.lang.Throwable: ERROR
  at com.michaelflisar.lumberjack.demo.MainActivity.onCreate(
  at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  at android.os.Looper.loop(
  at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
  at [MainActivity:38 onCreate]: Test array log: [Type=String, Size=2] ( [  array value 1  array value 2 ] [<TEST-GROUP 1> MainActivity:41 onCreate]: Test message in test group ( [<TEST-GROUP 1> MainActivity:42 onCreate]: Test message in test group, value=999 ( [MainActivity:50 onCreate]: Test custom object log: TestClass: [TestLogData says: My x value is 99] ( [MainActivity:51 onCreate]: Test custom object array log: [Type=TestClass, Size=3] ( [  TestLogData says: My x value is 1  TestLogData says: My x value is 2  TestLogData says: My x value is 10 ] [MainActivity:54 onCreate]: String=Value, Integer=999, Long=5 ( 


The best place to start is the WIKI and the Demo Activity.


The overlay logger is based on Hannes Dorfmann's DebugOverlay:


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