Material Animated Switch

Source link:

Material Animated Switch

A material Switch with icon animations and color transitions

Sample video:

Youtube Material Animated Switch video

Sample app:

Based on

Inbox Pinned by Derek Torsani

How to use

By default show the inbox pinned switch






With custom colors and icons attributes












Remember put this for custom attribute usage


For Gradle

Add repository

repositories {

maven {

  url ""


Add dependency

compile 'com.github.glomadrian:MaterialAnimatedSwitch:1.1@aar'


V 1.1

  • Fixed bug that cut the ball at the start
  • Added isChecked() method
  • fix toggle() method

Developed By

Adrián García Lomas - [email protected]


Copyright 2015 Adrián García Lomas  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 


Android Signature Pad is an Android library for drawing smooth signatures. It uses variable width Bézier curve interpolation.


  • Bézier implementation for a smoother line
  • Variable point size based on velocity
  • Customizable pen color and size

Various DialogFragments for Android:

  • AlertDialogFragment
  • ProgressDialogFragment
  • DatePickerDialogFragment
  • TimePickerDialogFragment
  • NumberPickerDialogFragment
  • StringPickerDialogFragment

Android library for getting existing db schema information from sqlite_master table.

You can use the schema information in your SQLiteOpenHelper's onCreate and onUpgrade to remove some boilerplate code.

Android library for populating the ContentProvider with test data.

The library is tightly coupled with MicroOrm and Thneed projects. You need to annotate your data models fields with MicroOrm's @Column.

A library for defining the traversable hierarchy of data models.

Imitation QQ discussion group Avatar.


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