A picker of Local Government Areas and States for Nigerian developers.
Trialy makes it easy to create a free trial for your in-app-purchases. Trialy takes care of the heavy lifting for you (using server-side checks with customizable grace periods to allow for offline use, for example) so you can focus on developing an amazing app. In addition to configuring the trial length, you can decide whether users should be able to try your app on each of their device, or just once for each Google account.
An Android library to programmatically set the Locale of an app and persist the configuration.
A TextureView
for Android that supports scaling and scrolling gestures. Repository contains samples for both MediaPlayer and ExoPlayer playback.
An orbit-like floating action button with animation features.
RecyclerViewInjectorAdapter wraps your regular RecyclerView.Adapter
and adds possibility to inject custom views on desired position without hassle.