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Android Arsenal MIT license

Because Life is too short for duplicating Recyclerview code, PrettylistView introduce a very simple generic adapter, pagination handling with customized views (Error,loading) and updating via diffUtils.

Enough talking let's see how to use it .


  • Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
 		repositories {
 			... 			maven {
 url '' 
  • Step 2. Add the dependency

 	dependencies {

  implementation 'com.github.Rohyme:PrettyListView:2.0.0' 		

Usage :

  1. Get your view
 val prettyList =  findViewById<RecyclerView>(
  1. Build your adapter using
 val myAdapterBuilder = BaseListAdapter.with<TestModel>(prettyList)
  1. Make instance of class implementing MainHolderInterface<T> to set your adapter specification in .

    val holderInterfaceInstance = object : MainHolderInterface<TestModel> {
    // Mandatory
     // return the instance of your list that will be used in your list view
      override fun getList(): ArrayList<TestModel?> {
     return testListData
      // Mandatory
     // return the layout of your list view item
      override fun getView(type: Int): Int {
      return R.layout.test_list_item
      // Mandatory
     // Here you can use your model item data for your list item view 
      override fun getViewData(holder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder, t: TestModel,
     position: Int) {
    val listItemView = holder.itemView
    val listItemText = listItemView.findViewById<RecyclerView>(
    listItemText.text = t.text
      // Optional 
     // For itemViewTypes 
      override fun getItemViewType(position: Int): Int {
      return super.getItemViewType(position)

    Note : Don't use (-30 , -31) as Item view types constants Because they are already taken for Loading & Error items of pagination

  2. Then set your holderInterface instance to your adapter builder

  3. For using pagination

    val myPaginationBuilder = myAdapterBuilder.hasPaginated() //return PaginationBuilder instance
  4. Configure your pagination

  5. Get your final adapter

    mAdapter = myAdapterBuilder.adapterDone()
  6. Set list and pagination calls & callbacks :

    • setListCallBacks Used to notify if items count in recycler view changed :
    mAdapter.setListCallBacks(object : ListUtilsCallbacks<TestModel> {
      override fun onDataCountChanged(itemCount: Int) {
    Log.i("MyListView","list item count = $itemCount")
    • setPaginationListener Used for pagination callbacks :

      val paginationListener = object : ListPaginationListener {
        override fun onLoadMore(page: Int, totalItemCount: Int, listView: RecyclerView) {
        override fun onError(errorView: View) {
      errorView.setOnClickListener {
        //get the view of your loading view to make any action on it
        override fun onLoading(loadingView: View) {
      val progressText = view.findViewById<TextView>(
        	val progressText.text = "Loading new Item"
    • Pagination Calls

      • mAdapter.paginatedDataAdded() used when new paginated data added.

      • mAdapter.paginationDone() used when there is no more items for pagination.

      • mAdapter.paginationError() used to show pagination error item.

      • mAdapter.paginationNormalState() used to hide loading or error pagination item.

      • mAdapter.paginationLoading() used to show pagination loading item.

  7. You have 3 ways to update your list

    • You can make change to testListData returned in the mainHolderInstance then call mAdatper.updateList() e.g :

      testListData.add(TestModel("new test")) mAdapter.update()
    • You can use Observable list instead of your list instance and any change happened in it will be updated automatically . e.g :

      // global field var testListData: ObservableArrayList<TestModel> = ObservableArrayList()  // in your holderInstance  override fun getList(): ArrayList<TestModel?> {
        return testListData
        // updating testListData.add(TestModel("new test in observable list"))
    • You can use update list with just passing a list from the same type in order not to change your original data in testListData . It could be useful for filtering or searching. e.g:

       searchField.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
       override fun afterTextChanged(s: Editable?) {
       override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
        override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before:Int, count: Int) {
        mAdapter.updateList(ArrayList(testListData.filter {
      it?.text?.contains(s.toString()) ?: false

      Credits :


      Mahmoud Abd Elaal


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