Dialogs are ready to be shown!
A dependency-free, lightweight(~22 kb) android dialog library. Uses regular support-v7 only. Nothing is needed, just import the module and have fun!
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Dialogs are ready to be shown!
A dependency-free, lightweight(~22 kb) android dialog library. Uses regular support-v7 only. Nothing is needed, just import the module and have fun!
CountryPicker is an Android library created to show a custom fragment which allows to choose a country.
HoverTouchView simulates Apple's Force Touch or 3D Touch on Android App with Hover Gesture.
PageStateLayout could let you show Loading / Empty / Error / Succeed / Requesting state in Activity
, Fragment
, ViewGroup
as you want.
SimpleWaveform is a widget to show a sequence data in waveform or bar chart.
A powerful library for loading images from Qiniu service.
Vine client for Android TV.