This demo shows an example of how to implement chained spring animation in Android.
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Q & A
NexusData is an object graph and persistence framework for Android. It allows for organizing and managing relational data and serializing it to SQLite or custom stores. The data can be accessed or modified using higher level objects representing entities and their relationships. NexusData manages all the objects in the persistence store, tracks changes, and maintains consistency in relationships.
NexusDialog is a library that allows you to dynamically generate forms in Android with little code. It's great for apps with many form-based UIs, since it reduces the boilerplate code to setup the view layout and tie things together in the Activity.
Plugin to navigate between events posted by EventBus.
Material progress circle to wrap around any FloatingActionButton. 100% Material Design guidelines from Google.
Mara is a library to provide traits or composition capabilities to your Android or Java projects.
Material design ProgressBar with consistent appearance on Android 4.0+.
Q & A