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The sweetest way into saving and loading SQLite.
A Month and a Week view groups to present data.
Noodle is a very simple object storage and persistence library for Android.
No schema, no relations, no consistency rules, no thread-contained objects. You can use it as a key-value storage or collections - which are similar to tables, but not really.
Simple custom view of a beating heart using scaling animation. Has option to set the duration of animation based on BPM (beats per minute).
Are you tired of creating a new DialogFragment
for each Dialog
that you want to display?
This is an Android library that provides a simple implementation of a DialogFragment. It allows to define the content of the Dialog (and its button listeners) without having to create a new DialogFragment subclass.
Android App starter based on Android + MVP + Dagger2 + RxJava2 + Robolectric + Espresso + Mockito + JaCoCo.