
Source link: https://github.com/HITGIF/TextFieldBoxes/


A new Material Design text field that comes in a box, based on Google Material Design guidelines. ?????



1.3.5 Release

  • fix issue #31 #32.

  • add giveFocus param in setError() for setting whether the field will gain focus when set error on.

  • add secondaryColor for setting the color of the underline, the floating label text and the icon signifier when NOT HAVING focus (opposite to primaryColor).

  • add counterColor for setting the color of the counter text.

1.3.0 Release

  • the "EditText" part is now seperated from the TextFieldBoxes. TextFieldBoxes is now a container (just like a TextInputLayout) that should and should only contain one ExtendedEditText that inherents the TextInputEditText.

  • Prefix and Suffix attributes are now belonging to the ExtendedEditText.

  • Text, hint, SingleLine and MaxLines attributes are now removed. Instead, one should set them in the ExtendedEditText with original android: attributes.

  • the bottom view which contains helper and counter labels will now be hidden when it's empty.



  • Android 4.0.3 IceCreamSandwich (API lv 15) or greater
  • Your favorite IDE



In order to use it, you need to include it in your project.


allprojects {

  repositories {


 maven {
 url 'https://jitpack.io' 

dependencies {
     compile 'com.github.HITGIF:TextFieldBoxes:1.3.5' 




  </repository> </repositories>
  <artifactId>TextFieldBoxes</artifactId>     <version>1.3.5</version> </dependency>


resolvers += "jitpack" at "https://jitpack.io"
libraryDependencies += "com.github.HITGIF" % "TextFieldBoxes" % "1.3.5"


:repositories [["jitpack" "https://jitpack.io"]]
:dependencies [[com.github.hitgif/textfieldboxes "1.3.5"]]



1. Basic

Add studio.carbonylgroup.textfieldboxes.TextFieldBoxes that contains a studio.carbonylgroup.textfieldboxes.ExtendedEditText to your layout:

... <studio.carbonylgroup.textfieldboxes.TextFieldBoxes




android:layout_height="wrap_content"/>  </studio.carbonylgroup.textfieldboxes.TextFieldBoxes> ...

2. Enable / Disable

app:enabled in xml or setEnabled(boolean enabled) in Java.


3. Helper Text and Error Text

NOTE: setting helper or error text to anything not empty will make the bottom view (which contains the helper label) visible and increase the height of the TextFieldBoxes. So if you want to always keep the bottom view visible (height increased), set the helper text to " " when there should be nothing.

helper text: app:helperText in xml or setHelperText(String helperText) in Java.

  app:helperText="Helper is here">

error text: setError(String errorText, boolean giveFocus) in Java.

Param giveFocus determines whether the field will gain focus when set error on. If true, the field gains focus immediately.

NOTE: Error will be removed when the text changes (input or delete).

setError("Error message");

4. Prefix & Suffix

! NOTE: Prifix and Suffix attributes should be set to ExtendedEditText.

Use app:prefix in xml or setPrefix(String prefix) in Java to set the unselectable prefix text at the start of the field.

Use app:suffix in xml or setSuffix(String suffix) in Java to set the unselectable suffix text at the end of the field.

  app:prefix="$ ">


5. Max & Min Characters

NOTE: setting max or min character will make the bottom view (which contains the counter label) visible and increase the height of the TextFieldBoxes.

Use app:maxCharacters in xml or setMaxCharacters(int maxCharacters) in java code to set the max characters count. Use removeMaxCharacters() in java code to remove the limit.

Use app:minCharacters in xml or setMinCharacters(int minCharacters) in java code to set the min characters count. Use removeMinCharacters() in java code to remove the limit.

The color of the bottom line will turn to errorColor (red by default) when exceeding max or min characters limit. 0, as default, means no max or min characters limit.

NOTE: Space and line feed will NOT count.



6. Icon Signifier

Use app:iconSignifier in xml or setIconSignifier(Int resourceID) to set the icon that is shown in front of the TextFieldBoxes if you want there to be one.

You can use setIsResponsiveIconColor(boolean isrResponsiveIconColor) in Java code to set whether the icon will change its color when gaining or losing focus as the label text and the bottomLine do. NOTE that if true, the icon's color will always be HighlightColor (the same as the bottomLine) that will turn gray when losing focus. If false, the icon will always be in primaryColor.


7. End Icon

Use app:endIcon in xml or setEndIcon(Int resourceID) to set the icon of the ImageButton that is shown at the end of the field if you want there to be one.


To make it useful (trigger voice input, dropdown event), you would like to use getEndIconImageButton() in Java code to set, for example, what will happen when it's clicked (with .setOnClickListener()), or anything else you want.

final TextFieldBoxes textFieldBoxes = findViewById(R.id.text_field_boxes);
 textFieldBoxes.getEndIconImageButton().setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {

  public void onClick(View view) {

// What you want to do when it's clicked

8. Clear Button

Use app:hasClearButton in xml or setHasClearButton(boolean hasClearButton) to set whether to show the clear button.

If true, a clear button will be shown at the end when there are characters ( ANY character) entered in the field.


9. Custom Colors

Primary Color will be used for the color of the underline, the floating label text and the icon signifier when HAVING focus. You can use app:primaryColor in xml or setPrimaryColor(int colorRes) in Java. Current theme Primary Color by default.

Secondary Color will be used for the color of the underline, the floating label text and the icon signifier when NOT HAVING focus. You can use app:secondaryColor in xml or setSecondaryColor(int colorRes) in Java. Current theme textColorTertiary by default.

Error Color will be used for the color that indicates error (e.g. exceeding max characters, setError()). You can use app:errorColor in xml or setErrorColor(int colorRes) in Java. A400 red by default.

Helper Text Color will be used for the color of the helper text. You can use app:helperTextColor in xml or setHelperTextColor(int colorRes) in Java. 54% black by default.

Panel Background Color will be used for the color of panel at the back. You can use app:panelBackgroundColor in xml or setPanelBackgroundColor(int colorRes) in Java. 6% black by default. NOTE that the default color, as in the guideline, is the black ( #000000) color with the transparency of 6%, so when you're customizing and want it to still be transparent you have to set a color with transparency.


10. Customize EditText

From release 1.3.0, just do what you want to the ExtendedEditText inside the TextFieldBoxes.

final TextFieldBoxes textFieldBoxes = findViewById(R.id.text_field_boxes);
 final ExtendedEditText extendedEditText = findViewById(R.id.extended_edit_text);
 extendedEditText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {

  public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {


  public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {


  public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {

if (editable.toString().equals("wrong"))

 textFieldBoxes.setError("It's wrong");


11. Dark Theme

TextFieldBoxes use the color attributes within the current theme and will automatically change its color to fit the dark theme without additional settings.


All Attributes


Attribute Description
app:prefix Prefix Text
app:suffix Suffix Text
Attribute Description Default
app:prefixTextColor Prefix text color Current theme textColorTertiary
app:suffixTextColor Suffix text color Current theme textColorTertiary


Attribute Description
app:labelText Floating label text at the top
app:helperText Helper text at the bottom
Attribute Description Default
app:helperTextColor Helper text color Current theme textColorTertiary
app:counterTextColor Counter text color Current theme textColorTertiary
app:errorColor The color that is used to indicate error (e.g. exceeding max characters, setError()) A400 red
app:primaryColor The color for the underline, the floating label text and the icon signifier when HAVING FOCUS Current theme colorPrimary
app:secondaryColor The color for the underline, the floating label text and the icon signifier when NOT HAVING FOCUS Current theme textColorTertiary
app:panelBackgroundColor The color for the panel at the back 6% Current theme colorForeground
Attribute Description Default
app:iconSignifier The resource ID of the icon before the TextFieldBoxes 0
app:endIcon The resource ID of the icon at the end of the field 0
app:isResponsiveIconColor whether the icon signifier will change its color when gaining or losing focus as the label and the bottomLine do True
Characters counter
Attribute Description Default
app:maxCharacters Max characters count limit. 0 means no limit 0
app:minCharacters Min characters count limit. 0 means no limit 0
Attribute Description Default
app:enabled Whether the text field is enabled True
app:hasClearButton Whether to show the clear button at the end of the EditText False
app:hasFocus Whether the EditText is having the focus False


Copyright 2017 Carbonylgroup Studio  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. 


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