ViewPagerContainer like carousel
Android layout to show most common state templates like loading, empty, error etc. To do that all you need to is wrap the target area(view) with StatefulLayout
Rx2Animations is a library with the main goal to make android animations more solid and cohesive.
A very simple library to change font to all of your views. This library will make your application have a default font display. Your application will not be affected by changes to the font type from the settings menu.
Android lib for easy set up custom font, can use for TextView
, Button
, CheckBox
and EditText
Historian is a custom implementation of Timber.Tree, which is popular logging library.
Historian can save device's logs into dedicated SQLite database, so that your users can send the file to a bug report mail to you.
Custom Android Bubbleview with curved Bezier Paths.
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