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VTD-XML is the next generation XML parser / indexer/ editor / slicer / assembler / xpath-engine that goes beyond DOM, SAX and PULL in performance, memory usage, and ease of use.
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VTD-XML is the next generation XML parser / indexer/ editor / slicer / assembler / xpath-engine that goes beyond DOM, SAX and PULL in performance, memory usage, and ease of use.
A Material Design themed ShowcaseView for Android.
Android Device Names is a 14 kB library that transforms the device model name into something people can understand. For example, a useless SM-N910W8
becomes Samsung Galaxy Note 4
Dumpey is an Android Debug Bridge utility tool.
FancyBackground is a tiny Android library designed to animate a set of resource Drawables. It ensures the drawables are subsampled and cached, if necessary, with heavy lifting done in the background.
Progressbar with whorl style.
Android horizontally scrolled DatePicker.