A barcode scanner based on zxing
- Support screen auto rotate (both Landscape and portrail)
- Simplify Zxing example code for android
- Highly custom FinderView
Convenient wrapper library to perform network queries using Retrofit and Android Priority Job Queue (Job Manager).
A lightweight, yet powerful ViewPager animation library for Android.
Admobadapter is an Android library that makes it easy to integrate Admob native ads (both Express and Advanced) into ListView/RecyclerView
in the way that is shown in the following image/animation.
AACustomFont is a lightweight custom font binder in XML directly in TextView, Button, EditText, RadioButton, CheckBox tags. The library is aimed to avoid custom views for custom fonts in XML and to minimize the JAVA code for setting the TypeFaces for each view.
A Carousel picker library for android which supports both text and icons.
A simpler way for implementing the Bottom Navigation View on Android.