A barcode scanner based on zxing
- Support screen auto rotate (both Landscape and portrail)
- Simplify Zxing example code for android
- Highly custom FinderView
Source link: https://github.com/ThePacific/zxing-barcode
Q & A
If you do any serious Android development, you've probably used ProGuard to obfuscate, optimise and shrink your application. In that case it's also very likely that ProGuarding your app has broken your release builds, took a few hours of your time away while pulling your hair out.
Squad leader includes two annotations that you can add to your code to specify that you want to @Keep a class, method or field and it's name. There's also a @KeepName annotation that does the same, but only if the annotated element is actually used in your code.
Android library for detecting and reporting long running SQLite queries.
If some of your queries takes longer than the threshold specified in the CerberusCursorFactory constructor, the report containing the offending query, elapsed query time, stack trace, and the result of EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN sqlite query will be dumped into the logcat.
Intel XDK HTML5 Cross-platform Development Tool provides a simplified workflow to enable developers to easily design, debug, build, and deploy HTML5 web and hybrid apps across multiple app stores, and form factor devices.
Experience Intel XDK - the easy and fast way to get your apps to market.
Do you have a library that needs some initial setup like an api key or credentials and without these the library won't work? Now you can use ArrowLogger to highlight this to the developers that use your library.
ArrowLogger allows you to manicly shake your hands infront of your users face and be like "Helllooo you missed this!".
Android programmatically checkable widgets.
ApkAnalyser is a static, virtual analysis tool for examining and validating the development work of your Android app. It's a complete tool chain which supports modification of the binary application with more printouts.
You are then able to repack, install, run and verify the result from logcat. ApkAnalyser also supports resource analysis, and you can decode XML, look up resource references and detect potential issues in your app.
Q & A