I recently bought an Android phone on a site similar to craigslist or ebay but more locally based. After buying it, I somehow got it into my head that the phone might be stolen goods. In hindsight, the price negotiation, periferals and seller history is what got me suspicious, though I must say I'm not a 100% sure.
The seller did a factory reset, obviously, it's what you do when you give the phone to a new owner, so that's not suspicious. But I was wondering, is it possible to undo the factory reset and recover any photos or messages, even is it's just partial, maybe this could give some clues to confirm my suspicions.
So I did a google search and there are many programs that claim to do this:
They all offer a program with a very similar GUI, the basic structure of them is all the same, so right off the bat that's a bit flaky and not very reliable. But I tried one anyway (jihosoft.com see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5TdLzu_Q2C4 ), which seems to install an Android app on the phone, does some more stuff, and in the end it just says "gallery(0), videos(0), audio(0)". So the program might actually work as advertised, but the previous owner erased the phone properly and thoroughly.
So my question is;
Is there any way to (partially) recover photos or messages after a factory reset? Or maybe do some digital sleuthing using the IMEI nr?