So I checked CPU - Z then I saw my battery status is discharging
Which scared me a little so I am here to ask..what does it mean?
Technology: Li-Ion
Health: Good
Voltage: 3722mV
Temperature 32.0°C (98.6°F)
Status: DisCharging
So I checked CPU - Z then I saw my battery status is discharging
Which scared me a little so I am here to ask..what does it mean?
Technology: Li-Ion
Health: Good
Voltage: 3722mV
Temperature 32.0°C (98.6°F)
Status: DisCharging
Discharging is the opposite of charging.
When you charge some electric component, such as a battery, you are storing potential electric energy in it.
When you discharge that battery, you are reversing the charging process and using the potential electric energy to drive other electric components.
Don't be scared, most of the time you are discharging your battery.
Reference: (see c electrical engineering)
Q & A