I have an ASUS ZenFone Max Pro (X00T/X00TD)
It is/was discharged and powered off. When i plug it in for charging, it is cycling in start of chaging:
- vibration
- the icon of empty battery
- The bootloader is unlocked... text
- the icon of empty battery
- empty screen
- and then starts again from vibration
I tried to clean the phone's connector, even wiped and stracthed the connector a littlebit, and changed cable, charging source. (One cable is in the 1A charger, another cable is connected to PC.) It doesn't get better.
I tried to leave it in the cycling, i hoped it gets some power.
Does the phone charge always when connected to power, or it just start the charging process after it shows the charging animation (which i don't reach)?
I tried to step in Fastboot mode. It stays in this mode, no cycling.
Does the phone charge in fastboot mode?
I tried to step in Recovery mode.
- vibration
- powered by android
- The bootloader is unlocked... text
- powered by android
- empty screen and turns off
In fastboot mode i tried to flash stock recovery, and also TWRP and RedWolf recovery. The flashing process works, but i still cannot get in recovery mode, to see something more, maybe about battery or i dont know.
Of course the phone does not turn on. The same as when i try to get in recovery mode.
- vibration
- powered by android
- The bootloader is unlocked... text
- powered by android
- empty screen and turns off
I did not do anything special nowadays with the phone. Bootloader unlocking and rooting was years ago, nor i did upgrade, so nothing special. I just used the phone, it discharged, and i'm in this state.
What can i do?
Is it something with charging, or it has enough power after connected in fastboot mode, but the problem is something with the software?
One more thing: maybe i "pressed" the buttons randomly in my pocket.
Is it possible that in an unlucky situation i got into the recovery mode and pressed something away in recovery menu?
Please help.
edit #1:
Is it possible to turn off the charging screen, charging vibration, screen turning on from fastboot mode? Maybe flash something on or similar? Because then it won't use the slowly charging power.
edit #2:
So the sumary now:
- My phone is fully charged.
- It does not boot into normal.
- It does not boot into recovery, nor by hardware keys, nor by command from fastboot. I tried to flash TWRP, RedWolf and the original recovery too.
- Fastboot mode works normally.
D:\Mobil>fastboot getvar all
(bootloader) CPU:SDM636
(bootloader) platform:sdm636
(bootloader) secret-key-opt:*censored*
(bootloader) build-type:user
(bootloader) unlocked:yes
(bootloader) off-mode-charge:1
(bootloader) charger-screen-enabled:1
(bootloader) battery-soc-ok:yes
(bootloader) battery-voltage:4286
(bootloader) version-baseband:
*this is empty, i didn't delete it*
(bootloader) version-bootloader:ZB601KL-0x01-20181019151150
(bootloader) variant:SDM EMMC
(bootloader) partition-type:cache:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:cache: 0x15E00000
(bootloader) partition-type:userdata:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:userdata: 0xCEB7FBE00
(bootloader) partition-type:system:ext4
(bootloader) partition-size:system: 0x100000000
(bootloader) secure:yes
(bootloader) serialno:*censored*
(bootloader) product:QC_Reference_Phone
(bootloader) max-download-size:536870912
(bootloader) kernel:uefi
finished. total time: 0.031s
D:\Mobil>fastboot oem device-info
(bootloader) Verity mode: true
(bootloader) Device unlocked: true
(bootloader) Device critical unlocked: false
(bootloader) Charger screen enabled: true
(bootloader) Bootloader version: ZB601KL-0x01-20181019151150
OKAY [ 0.016s]
finished. total time: 0.016s
D:\Mobil>fastboot boot stock_recovery.img
downloading 'boot.img'...
OKAY [ 1.859s]
FAILED (remote: unknown command)
finished. total time: 1.859s
So booting failed. But i don't know why.