Question and Answer about Android from Stack Exchange network.
Oftentimes I write texts that require the usage of a combination between ', " and «. Yet I have to copy from anywhere « anytime I want to use it and that's not the nicest experience.
This is the variations the keyboard offers
So, the only keyboard key that looks closer to « is 《 which is not really the same. I did long press some of the existing keyboard keys but none revealed the «.
My goal is to record my screen. Coming from a Huawei, I would have in the upper area icons an option with "Screen Record". I'm now using a Galaxy A30s with Android 10 and these are the only options available
So, no screen record.
If I go to Settings and search for "screen record",
If I search under apps,
How should I do it?
As pointed by Robert, I tried to enable the screen recorder via adb but didn't get the desired result.
- Download Platform Tools and unzip the folder in location of your choice
- Open Command Prompt in that location
Connect the phone with the computer allowing USB Debugging
adb shell settings put global settings_screenrecord_long_press true
and this opens up the following in the phone
- Click "Allow" and run the command again
and appears to be working.
- Long press power button. This is what I see
So, still no option to record screen. I restarted the phone as well just in case but that wasn't enough either.
I have a 16 GB SD card and would like to upgrade to a larger one
How do I do so without losing any data?
Most of my search results for this just end up advertising a 3rd party program
There are just so many n I don't feel like going through each of them until one works
I'd like to not mess with the SD card in my phone until I have to
I've installed Genymotion and configure it to use the SDK folder from Android SDK. (In preferences, ADB -> Use custom Android SDK tools, and select /Users/XXX/Library/Android/sdk
But when I open both Genymotion and Android AVD manager, it can't see the same virtual machine created in each other:
Is there a way to share the virtual machine, without taking extra disk spaces?
I failed to find the option in settings which will assign different (custom) functionality when I "swipe left" on the homescreen. I want to get rid off news feed and leave just google search if possible. I am using MIUI 11 on the top of Android 10. Maybe this is basic question but I am new to android and I could not find an answer.
I'm using weechat-android that I installed using f-droid and trying to connect to freenode in order to join an irc server. I am able to connect freenode on my Windows 10 PC using mIRC as expected. Not able to do so on Android after following this doc
This is the exact setup I used when I get the protocol error.
This is the exact setup I used when I get the failed to connect error.
I have a Pixel 2 with a broken digitizer. I'd like to wipe it of personal data before tossing it.
- not rooted
- adb has not been previously authorized.
Is a factory reset possible, or should I pull out the cordless drill and go to town?
I used to use a virtual US number for registering and using WhatsApp Business (for people i don't trust and don't want to give my personal number) But now whenever I try to register a new virtual number, it says it's an invalid number for USA. I have tried 2ndLine, text+ and few more apps.. Can anyone explain what's happening and provide a solution if possible..
Thanks in advance
I want to listen to audio only from any YouTube recording, just like an audio-book, with my mobile phone's screen off. Is this possible?
So far I tested only:
- YouTube original app,
- playing YT stream in mobile Chrome.
All for nothing. A second after I turn-off my screen, audio is cut off and playback stops.
Is this possible at all? I.e. by changing some YouTube app's configuration or tapping some magic button in Chrome while browsing YouTube website? Or the only option is to look for some 3rd party app in Soft Rec?
My phone (Samsung S7 running Android 8.0.0) recently updated to Chrome version 85, and with it came tab groups.
I am sure this is a welcome thing for many, but I rarely have more than 8 tabs open at any time. Thus the ability to group tabs makes little sense for me.
Unfortunately, I can't seem to avoid it. When holding on a link, "Open in new tab" has become "Open in new tab in group", and there is no option to open it just as a separate tab.
This makes my regular tab cleaning a lot more cumbersome, as now I suddenly have two or three groups where I want to remove one or two tabs each, rather than just four tabs I want to close.
Is there a way to remove tab grouping, or at least a way to hide it away so that I don't have to bother with it during casual internet browsing? At the very least, I can't find anything even remotely relevant in the settings, and a rudimentary internet search has only provided news of the feature, not any details on removing it.
I recently upgraded to android 11. Ever since I did that I cannot adb shell into any of the directories inside the /mnt
adb shell
taimen:/ $ cd mnt
taimen:/mnt $ ls
androidwritable appfuse asec expand installer media_rw obb pass_through product runtime sdcard secure user vendor
taimen:/mnt $ cd sdcard
/system/bin/sh: cd: /mnt/sdcard: Permission denied
What do I do to regain my access?
I'm using an Android 10 Samsung device that supports multitasking using pop-up windows. I'm trying to type on the main window with a YouTube window in the foreground. The keyboard keeps closing whenever I use the YouTube pop-up. Is there any way to keep it open?
I'm attempting to update my older Samsung 10.1 to a newer version of Android (7.1) which has been confirmed on a few sites that it's working.
However, the only download links I've found are on sites I'm not so sure I trust to download Android. I want to get it directly from Google/Android.
Does anyone know how to get the OS APKs?
When I sideload stuff (like Google Apps) or LineageOS through LineageOS Recovery, it always stops at 47% with the adb sideload
command. Why is that?
I use Iriun 4K Webcam for PC and Mac to use your Android phone's camera as a wireless or USB webcam in Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate. It is supposed to support resolutions up to 4K. (Max resolution depends on the phone).
I use a Samsung Galaxy S9 with Android 10. However on Windows 7 SP1 x64 Ultimate it says that the resolution of Iriun is 640x480:
I don't see any option on the phone:
and (mirror) seems to have no documentation.
How can I change the resolution of Iriun 4K Webcam?
Skype doesn't allow me to change the webcam resolution (clicking on "webcam setting" doesn't do anything):
It appears that I don't have all the setting for gestures on my Android tablet.
So that's how it looks on my tablet:
That's how it should look like I believe:
When I was setting device up it proposed to choose between 3 button navigation and gesture navigation.
The tablet is Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab.
Thanks for any help.
I am looking for a way to find out, in a day at what timings electricity supply was interrupted. I guess if we keep our android device on charging all day we should be able to find power interruption by just knowing the current charging status of the device. So is there any app or method which can help ?
Trying to use adb
tool 1.0.29
on a PC running Linux Ubuntu 20.04
to debug my Motorola Moto G7 Plus
running stock Android 10
(hence not rooted) connected via USB.
Previously it was working OK, I've granted USB Debugging permissions to my PC. But today adb devices
shows it as an offline
device, so I can't do anything.
Here's a list of actions I tried:
Revoke USB Debugging Authorization
- it doesn't work, nothing happens, Android doesn't prompt for new permissions- Delete
on the phone - Can't, no root,adb root
andadb shell
returnerror: device offline
- Rebooting, disabling USB Debugging and Developer Options and disconnecting in any order didn't help
adb kill-server
andadb start-server
didn't do the trick as well
What else could you recommend?
How come two Nokia 9 phones have the same model, phone service provider and location, but one of them insists there were no updates (neither security nor Android itself which should be 10, not 9, by now) after 2019?
You can see Nokia had many security updates after 2019.
Neither taking out the sim card nor a factory reset helped with this.
P.S. This phone is Android One, so it's even more concerning.
2D Engines 3D Engines 9-Patch Action Bars Activities ADB Advertisements Analytics Animations ANR AOP API APK APT Architecture Audio Autocomplete Background Processing Backward Compatibility Badges Bar Codes Benchmarking Bitmaps Bluetooth Blur Effects Bread Crumbs BRMS Browser Extensions Build Systems Bundles Buttons Caching Camera Canvas Cards Carousels Changelog Checkboxes Cloud Storages Color Analysis Color Pickers Colors Comet/Push Compass Sensors Conferences Content Providers Continuous Integration Crash Reports Credit Cards Credits CSV Curl/Flip Data Binding Data Generators Data Structures Database Database Browsers Date & Debugging Decompilers Deep Links Dependency Injections Design Design Patterns Dex Dialogs Distributed Computing Distribution Platforms Download Managers Drawables Emoji Emulators EPUB Equalizers & Event Buses Exception Handling Face Recognition Feedback & File System File/Directory Fingerprint Floating Action Fonts Forms Fragments FRP FSM Functional Programming Gamepads Games Geocaching Gestures GIF Glow Pad Gradle Plugins Graphics Grid Views Highlighting HTML HTTP Mocking Icons IDE IDE Plugins Image Croppers Image Loaders Image Pickers Image Processing Image Views Instrumentation Intents Job Schedulers JSON Keyboard Kotlin Layouts Library Demos List View List Views Localization Location Lock Patterns Logcat Logging Mails Maps Markdown Mathematics Maven Plugins MBaaS Media Menus Messaging MIME Mobile Web Native Image Navigation NDK Networking NFC NoSQL Number Pickers OAuth Object Mocking OCR Engines OpenGL ORM Other Pickers Parallax List Parcelables Particle Systems Password Inputs PDF Permissions Physics Engines Platforms Plugin Frameworks Preferences Progress Indicators ProGuard Properties Protocol Buffer Pull To Purchases Push/Pull QR Codes Quick Return Radio Buttons Range Bars Ratings Recycler Views Resources REST Ripple Effects RSS Screenshots Scripting Scroll Views SDK Search Inputs Security Sensors Services Showcase Views Signatures Sliding Panels Snackbars SOAP Social Networks Spannable Spinners Splash Screens SSH Static Analysis Status Bars Styling SVG System Tags Task Managers TDD & Template Engines Testing Testing Tools Text Formatting Text Views Text Watchers Text-to Toasts Toolkits For Tools Tooltips Trainings TV Twitter Updaters USB User Stories Utils Validation Video View Adapters View Pagers Views Watch Face Wearable Data Wearables Weather Web Tools Web Views WebRTC WebSockets Wheel Widgets Wi-Fi Widgets Windows Wizards XML XMPP YAML ZIP Codes