Question and Answer about Android from Stack Exchange network.
I had rooted my Android Lollipop 5.1.1 phone and installed Link2SD and linked installed apps on ext4
7GB 2nd partition of external SD card of 16GB size . The apps installed occupied 6.5GB space and I am getting low space now. I got 64GB external SD card and want to dedicate 30GB.
I created image of 7GB 2nd partition of external SD card through following command:
dd bs=4k count= if=/dev/block/mmcblk1p2 | gzip -5 -c > /storage/sdcard1/sdcard2root.img.gz
Now whats the way to clone this image to a 30GB partition?
When I install my custom kernel i got this message after reboot. The phone working normal no kernel panic or etc.
I'm in the process of unofficial device bringup, and I'm stuck unable to progress due to Android Verified Boot. As per specification Android Verified Boot can be disabled with the --disable-verity
and --disable-verification
flags. The device I'm working with does not conform to specification and hence is unable to disable Android Verified Boot. One of the solutions is to build a vbmeta image myself which will then be used to verify my custom generated boot image. The question at hand is how to properly generate such an image. The documentation on the topic is exceedingly scarce and looking up similar community made files with a hex editor yields little in terms of information for me. As mentioned here, I should be able to generate one with the avbtool, which I did, very likely wrongly, as it still refuses to even flash it via fastboot. The only way I've found of allowing such a thing is to flash a blank vbmeta image, which in term fails to verify the kernel and fails.
I'm using Samsung Dex on a Note 9 and would like to open Google Docs in Chrome (or any other browser) instead of the Google Docs app.
Otherwise I can't use certain plug-ins like reference managers.
I tried uninstalling docs, tried different browsers, tried to change the default action for Google docs links and tried to activate the desktop mode where possible but I still couldn't access the desktop mode of Google Docs that I would see on Windows. I'd be grateful for any help.
I can not turn on HDR. It is grayed out. I tried all modes front and rear camera and it is always Grayed out and I cant turn It on. I am using a Samsung Galaxy A50 that I recently bought and Samsung live chat support was not helpful. I am on the latest software.
Is there a way to change the internal Android system calendar to a completely different one?
I am using the default android music player and I tend to always play playlists in shuffle mode. I find it unintuitive though that I cannot set a playlist to play in shuffle by default, I need to manually select shuffle each time. Is there a setting that I have overlooked or otherwise how can I do this? Happy to use another music player but I have tried many of the popular ones and they appear to have the same issue.
I installed Search by Image Firefox add-on. But I can't see the extension button that we see next to search box on desktop version.
Where do I find it?
I have galaxy s9 and i wanted to have lineageos rom.
So i unlocked bootloader and wiped stock firmware of galaxy s9.And then i installed lineageos 15.1 with twrp 3.2.3-0
Then i encrypted phone. I was thinking that by encryption device in adition to data patition, system partion also being encrypted. now i found that just data partition will encrypt and system partition will not encrypt.
so is there any way to protect system partition? in other words is there any way to encrypt system partition?
sorry for poor english...
sorry, It is possible that i am wrong or i don't understand what you mean but I found from link below Boot verification occures when stock rom is installed and and bootloader is locked. but in my case bootloader is unlocked and therefore verifying not occures.
So i think there is no official way to check integrity of system partition and i should do another things like start a daemon in init.rc for verifying system partition or etc.
Is it true ?
And i should say i put an third-party app in system/app in twrp after mounting system partition and after restart it worked successfully.
How can one reduce Microsoft Outlook's background mobile data usage?
For example, today I wrote only one email (text only), received 5 text-only emails, and open 5 conversations (also text only), yet it used 16 MB of background mobile data:
My Nokia 4.2 (Android One 9, security patch for December 5, 2019) is lately exhibiting a very weird behavior. If I dial a number, either using the keypad or from history or a contact, the screen blanks. I don't mean the autoblank when it's held to my face, I mean it goes black immediately. As a result, I can't hang up a call (or conference a third person, or anything).
If I tap power ... nothing happens. If I hold it to my face and remove it ... nothing. If I hold Power down, the phone doesn't turn off. When the other person hangs up, the screen turns back on. Sometimes if I press Power repeatedly I can get the screen on. Sometimes not.
Of course, I can plug in earbuds and use the earbud button to hang up, but for a quick call I hate having to do that.
Otherwise the phone mostly works OK. No other obviously incorrect behavior.
Odd. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
I have a Moto G5 XT1676 with Android 7.0 stock firmware.
I rooted the phone with Magisk and installed TWRP but I never backed up my recovery.img partition. Now I want to flash a stock recovery partition so I can apply an ota update and in case I want to sell on the phone I want to be able to take twrp off and unroot. I don't want to flash an entire firmware.. Can someone help me in choosing the correct stock recovery.img for my phone?
Here are details of the firmware currently on my phone:
- Baseband version: M8937_22. CEDRIC_EMEADSDS_CUST
- Kernel Version: 3.18.31-perf-g4a0c859 Wed May 2 06:29:31 CDT 2018
- Build Number: NPPS25.137-93-12
- Blur Version: Blur_Version.25.321.18.cedric.retail.en.US RETGB
Here are the details of another stock firmware I downloaded.
SW Display Build ID: NPP25.137-93
SW Version: cedric-user 7.0 NPP25.137-93 12 release-keysM8937_22.29.02.56R
Build Date: Wed Nov 22 03:19:24 CST 2017
Blur Version: Blur_Version.25.281.12.cedric.retail.en.US
You see the two firmware are almost identical but I don't have enough experience to know if it would be safe to take the recovery.img out of the second one and use it in the first?
I tried booting into bootloader then..
# fastboot boot recovery.img
... to test the recovery .img file from another firmware but I got a picture of an Android lying down with red above him and his lid open and the words "No Command". I think that # fastboot boot is disabled on Android OS these days.
Any help much appreciated !!
I have opened an email thread (aka conversation) in Microsoft Outlook for Android. I would like to search a string (e.g., word or phrase).
How can I search for a specific word in an email thread in Microsoft Outlook for Android?
Phone: Samsung S7 SM-G930F Problems: 1) Person I am calling or that is calling me hears delayed playback of their own voice 2) When speakerphone is activated a very loud noise is heard from the other caller's speaker making it impossible for them to hear me speaking
When I'm in a call (cellular service) and I activate speaker phone the other person can't hear me (I can hear the other person perfectly fine when on speaker phone). When I call (via regular cellular service) the people I call often report 'hearing an echo' in other words 'hearing themselves talk' , I have already changed providers which did not help. The 'echo' is always there from beginning till the end of the call from what I've heard.
I have a Samsung s7 SM-G930F. Previously had android 8.0 installed (which was the OS that came with the phone originally. I recently installed a different ROM (Lineage OS 16) but this had no effect on the speaker phone problems.
I tried starting the phone in safe mode as suggested in this video: But this didn't have any effect on the problem (same 'echo' still there). Suggesting it might be a hardware problem (assuming what's being said in the video is correct)
The following post suggests another possible cause: "Apparently there is some kind of rubber band around the microphone that keeps the sound in the same place" (source: . I think this might also explain the 2nd problem (loud noise on other caller's side when speaker phone is activated). Does this seam probable to you?
Voice recordings work fine. The 'echo' doesn't appear to be present for all people, I'm told it has approx 1.5 seconds delay (the other caller hears their voice back with approx 1.5seconds delay).
When I start a call in whatsapp and talk to the other person they say they have no echo and can hear me just fine, if I activate speaker phone I can hear them properly but they say they have the echo again and there is a lot of background noise coming from their phone (sounds like 'some sort of electrical interference'), the 'echo' gets played back louder on their phone when I activate speaker phone, so loud that they cannot hear me talk. When I turn speaker phone off on whatsapp and continue talking the other caller says the echo persists for some time (maybe 8 seconds) after which they hear a 'tick' sound and the echo disappears (also the 'electrical interference' background noise disappears immediately as soon as I turn the speaker phone off).
It happens regardless of how many 'bars' of connection I have.
Could it be a broken microphone? Could it be an issue with my antenna/connection? What tests could I perform to track down the cause of the issue.
i have tried with and without the case (I thought the case might have a negative effect since the s7's speaker and mic are right next to each other)
Would love to hear your input Thank you very much for any suggestions!
How do I perform a hot reboot on my device using the Terminal Emulator? I do not have busybox
installed, but my phone is rooted.
EDIT: I am looking for a solution to perform a hot reboot(see Quick Question - Hot Reboot - Android) using the terminal emulator/shell.
As in title. I am talking of Kernel, not ROM (plenty of questions dealing with ROM on this site).
I have a OnePlus 7 running stock Android 10 and prefer a custom kernel. Of late, OnePlus hasn't released source for kernel and this has played havoc with all custom kernels in OnePlus 7 and other variants. So, I want to flash a kernel that is independent of the changes One Plus makes.
Only problem is that it is SELinux permissive and therefore I want to understand the security risks before flashing it.
As requested in comments (deleted) :
-# zcat /proc/config.gz | grep CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX
- # zcat /proc/config.gz |grep CONFIG_DEFAULT_SECURITY_SELINUX
-# mount | grep selinuxfs
selinuxfs on /sys/fs/selinux type selinuxfs (rw,relatime)
I have Nokia 7.2 which is running Android One version 9. Since 2-3 weeks there I have observed a visible sluggishness in my phone. For e.g. it takes 1-2 seconds when I turn on/off WiFi or mobile data. Below are some of the steps I have taken to resolve this but none have succeeded so far.
- Deleted all the unused few apps
- Reduced animation to 0.5x from Developer Options
- Periodically verified
Settings > Battery
to check any misbehaving app. But it always shows 'Phone has typical background battery usage' - Made sure all the apps and Android is updated as and when an update is received. The current security patch is for 5 Dec 2019.
The sluggishness seems to restricted to the Android functionality itself like unlocking the phone, turning on the camera. The apps themselves run fine once they are opened.
Is it possible to use Google speech recognition in the Google Translate application for Android while offline?
When I try, it says that Google voice typing can't be used "in this field", and the built-in speech recognition in Google Translate doesn't work when offline.
Google voice typing does work in other applications when I'm offline, as I download the speech recognition model:
When following the tutorial to disable the annoying 20 minute Amazon Stick sleep timer and using the method that changes the sleep time value in the core shell, you might not be able to connect to the amazon stick using adbLink with the error: Device unauthorised press refresh or see help.â€
The tutorials that you will find will be completely useless, they will be a horrible video of the developer pressing the refresh ADB button, and a badly written developer tutorial that tells you to delete some files somewhere on some device.
2D Engines 3D Engines 9-Patch Action Bars Activities ADB Advertisements Analytics Animations ANR AOP API APK APT Architecture Audio Autocomplete Background Processing Backward Compatibility Badges Bar Codes Benchmarking Bitmaps Bluetooth Blur Effects Bread Crumbs BRMS Browser Extensions Build Systems Bundles Buttons Caching Camera Canvas Cards Carousels Changelog Checkboxes Cloud Storages Color Analysis Color Pickers Colors Comet/Push Compass Sensors Conferences Content Providers Continuous Integration Crash Reports Credit Cards Credits CSV Curl/Flip Data Binding Data Generators Data Structures Database Database Browsers Date & Debugging Decompilers Deep Links Dependency Injections Design Design Patterns Dex Dialogs Distributed Computing Distribution Platforms Download Managers Drawables Emoji Emulators EPUB Equalizers & Event Buses Exception Handling Face Recognition Feedback & File System File/Directory Fingerprint Floating Action Fonts Forms Fragments FRP FSM Functional Programming Gamepads Games Geocaching Gestures GIF Glow Pad Gradle Plugins Graphics Grid Views Highlighting HTML HTTP Mocking Icons IDE IDE Plugins Image Croppers Image Loaders Image Pickers Image Processing Image Views Instrumentation Intents Job Schedulers JSON Keyboard Kotlin Layouts Library Demos List View List Views Localization Location Lock Patterns Logcat Logging Mails Maps Markdown Mathematics Maven Plugins MBaaS Media Menus Messaging MIME Mobile Web Native Image Navigation NDK Networking NFC NoSQL Number Pickers OAuth Object Mocking OCR Engines OpenGL ORM Other Pickers Parallax List Parcelables Particle Systems Password Inputs PDF Permissions Physics Engines Platforms Plugin Frameworks Preferences Progress Indicators ProGuard Properties Protocol Buffer Pull To Purchases Push/Pull QR Codes Quick Return Radio Buttons Range Bars Ratings Recycler Views Resources REST Ripple Effects RSS Screenshots Scripting Scroll Views SDK Search Inputs Security Sensors Services Showcase Views Signatures Sliding Panels Snackbars SOAP Social Networks Spannable Spinners Splash Screens SSH Static Analysis Status Bars Styling SVG System Tags Task Managers TDD & Template Engines Testing Testing Tools Text Formatting Text Views Text Watchers Text-to Toasts Toolkits For Tools Tooltips Trainings TV Twitter Updaters USB User Stories Utils Validation Video View Adapters View Pagers Views Watch Face Wearable Data Wearables Weather Web Tools Web Views WebRTC WebSockets Wheel Widgets Wi-Fi Widgets Windows Wizards XML XMPP YAML ZIP Codes