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Can someone help me mount my Android/data and Android/obb in my internal storage from my portable storage? I'm on a Pie ROM. I found this: How to bind mount a folder inside /sdcard with correct permissions? but I don't know what should I do.

When I type:

ls -dZ /sdcard

I get

u:object_r:rootfs:s0 /sdcard

I have recently bought a Huawei P20, but it cannot be updated to Android 9.

However, my old P10 has already been updated to Android 9 many months ago.

So how can the P20 be updated?

I recently noticed that, during a phone call, the dial "keypad" does not appear. This is particularly a problem when retrieving voicemail, because without the keypad, I can't give the command to play messages, delete, etc.

I am running Android 8.1.0 on a Nexus 6P device. The built-in Phone app is version 42.0.28425632.

I access voicemail using the built-in Phone app. When dialing phone calls, the keypad appears, and I can dial the target number with no problem. During the call, there is a screen with icons labelled: Mute, Keypad, Speaker, Add call, and Hold. The Keypad icon is highlighted with a grey circle, but there is no keypad visible. If I tap the Keypad icon, the highlighting disappears, and no keypad appears. If I tap the Keypad icon again, the highlighting reappears, and still no keypad appears.

How can I repair my settings or my phone app so that the dialing keypad appears during calls?

I paid for and downloaded an app from the Play Store. Afterwards, I accidentally deleted this app with Titanium Backup instead of a different app that I intended to delete instead.

Now, when I go to Play Store, it shows the deleted app as installable, and I try to install it again. It prompts me for payment info, which I enter, even though I paid for it once before (I don't mind paying twice, if I have to). But then, Google rejects my installation attempt and says that I "already own" the app.

I'm stuck, because now I can't re-download or re-install the app. How can I tell Google that I want them to either (1) accept my second payment and let me install the app again, or (2) make the APK available to me again because I already paid for it?

To be clear, I am quite willing to make a second payment. This is not about the money. I just want to re-install the app that I accidentally deleted.

I have a used Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini GT-I8190. When I shut down the phone the battery still drains. The longer I leave the battery in the shut down phone the more charge it looses. Typically the battery looses between 1% and 2% charge per hour when inside the shut down phone. After a few days without turning the fully charged phone on the battery is completely dead so that I cannot turn on the phone again without charging first.

I don't know the previous owner and cannot ask them if they had the same problem.

Things I tried so far:

  • Tried to spin the battery on a table to see if the battery is bloated. The battery did not spin at all. Its completely flat on both sides.
  • Removed the fully charged battery from the phone, let it sit outside for a few days, put it back in, turned on the phone to read the battery level: The battery was still full – so the battery shouldn't be the problem.
  • Bought a new battery from another vendor anyways and did the same tests as before.
  • Factory reset (multiple times)
  • Update to the latest available OS (Android 4.1.2) provided by the vendor.
  • Update to the latest available custom ROM (Lineage OS 14.1 / Android 7.1.2).
  • After the factory resets and after flashing I did not install or customize anything apart from the following things. Of course, they had no effect since the phone was turned off — I read about these things in some forums and tried them anyway.
    • Only on the vendor's OS: Stop the pre-installed Mail service (even though I didn't sign into anything).
    • Turn off everything (Wifi, GPS, ...)
    • Enable (extreme) power save mode

Neither did I insert a SIM card nor an SD card into the phone, so these two can also be ruled out as the culprit.


Why does the battery drain when the phone is shut down?
Can I do anything about this?

My ASUS Zenphone Selfie Pro 4 graphics chip burned and the screen is green at boot, becoming blank after a while. Since I cannot see what is being 'shown' on the screen, how can I make the cellphone connect to wi-fi? I guess the boot process is halted at the gesture request screen.

Android Help says:

Control how notifications show on your lock screen


Option 4: Hide sensitive content from notifications on your lock screen

  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap App & notifications and then Notifications.
  3. Under "Lock screen," turn off Sensitive notifications.

However, I cannot find any information on what is actually considered a sensitive notification.

So, how can I see (and possibly change) what sensitive notifications are?

How can I view the mobile data usage for each application for a given day?

enter image description here

I use Android 9 on Samsung Galaxy S9.

I was trying to root bluboo s8a with TWRP following this tutorial When I reached step 2 of installing the ROM with sp flash tools, the ROM installed up to the end but the phone stopped powering (doesn't show anything). I tried downloading other customs ROMs for bluboo s8 but they were customized to be flashed with TWRP because they had no scatter files.

I landed on one custom ROM which I flashed into the phone with sp flash tools and the phone powered on and I could hear the sound when I press the buttons and when the phone is powering on but the screen shows a dark screen.

I would like to go back to the stock ROM or a working custom ROM. I took some screenshots of the settings of the About Phone before trying the rooting process.

About Phone (click images for larger variants)

Update: Now I have gotten some ROM from the seller's website. It's in a zip file with one .cpb file and a folder named dbs. The folder has two files. When I try flashing the .cpb file with QGDP, I get an error of CPB Package is not complete. How can I overcome this please?

App bundles (or I believe it is because of them) are screwing me over with regards to Titanium backup since restore simply does not work with those - they are stuck on "restoring". Currently, I only have TiBu on old hardware where it takes very long to do stuff, and if it just says "restoring" I've no idea if it's actually doing anything. More apps will soon adopt this new feature and I want to be able to filter them out easily without wasting too much time.

Is there an ADB command maybe that can tell, or some other way with root?

My searches on the web didn't provide suitable answers to these questions:

1) Where is the baseband firmware stored?

My understanding is that this particular firmware is a RTOS built for the Baseband Processor (BP/CP). BP is part of a SoC, so it uses its own RAM and its own storage for the firmware.

Is the firmware really stored in another eMMC than the Android firmware ?

2) How does Android interact with the baseband firmware?

Again, my understanding (which may be incorrect) is that the BP communicates directly with the AP via a serial connection UART trough Radio Interface Layer (RIL). This RIL interact with Android telephony services.

When does the baseband firmware take action ?

3) When the modem/baseband/radio partition is used ?

It seems to me that it only contains the firmware.

One thing I've found is that this partition isn't mounted during Android runtime. Is it only mounted for modem firmware update ?

I used to be able to keep north up. Now not only does north move, sometimes the map will spin. Usually when I try to zoom (at least this is when I notice it). Even when it does not spin, the map rotates to put direction of travel up. This is confusing: I feel that I never know where I am.

Is there a way to force north to stay up? How do I activate it?

This is important to me, because last night I had to stop for 5 minutes, to figure out where I was, and which way to go next. (the spinning made me lost)

I am composing a new email in Microsoft Outlook for Android and would like to copy the email address of the recipient;


How can I copy the email address of the recipient when I compose a new email in Microsoft Outlook for Android?

I'm trying to root a Vernee M5. I installed TWRP - which worked - and tried to use it to install Magisk - which didn't work (my guess is because of encryption?).

Now the phone always boots into recovery/TWRP and I want to install the factory ROM so I can try rooting it again.

However, using TWRP to install the ROM fails with the error:

Updating partition details...
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)

Rebooting the device opens TWRP again.

I tried Wipe -> Format Data -> yes, which also fails:

Updating partition details...
Failed to mount '/data' (Invalid argument)
Unable to mount storage

I also tried Wipe -> Advanced Wipe -> Data -> Repair or Change File System. Changing the file system fails with the above error message. Repair also results in an error:

/sbin/e2fsck -fp /dev/block/mmcblk0p48 process ended with ERROR: 8

Some additional info: TWRP is not asking for a password anymore when booting. Internal Storage is shown as 0mb on "install", but it does still contain a folder structure. The console also shows that full SELinux support is present & MTP is enabled.

How can I fix these errors and install the factory ROM?

Am I right in understanding that when one installs whatsapp everyone in the contacts on my phone knows I am on whatsapp (at least the ones who have whatsapp)

I do not want the above to happen. So if I put in another SIM card, then can I avoid the contacts on my primary SIM knowing I am on whatsapp and restrict to only the contacts on the new/secondary SIM. Or will WhatApp anyway broadcast to all contacts on all SIMs?

My basic aim is to expose the fact that I have whatsapp to a limited set of people - hence the second SIM.

Kindly let me know


Yet another occurrence of this when setting up a new phone, in this case a OnePlus 5 with the H2OS (Chinese) OS. I installed the current Oxygen OS official 9.0.9 from XDA, used the OnePlus transfer, and despite many strategies, could not get rid of this error. I tried:

Wiping the cache, other data in Google Play
Ditto other Google services
turned off WIFI, turned on, etc.
Reinstalled Google play
Installed Google APK from APK store

I had seen these elsewhere working for some folks.

I've been to a concert three weeks ago and found a Moto G5S Plus there.

I've waited for the owner to call - but they didn't.

The phone is not so locked. It has a (stock) screen lock, but it doesn't seem to be encrypted - I can reboot it and the apps start.

All I can see in the lock screen are app notifications, but with their content hidden.

I managed to check that there's a Google Play Services notification stating the Google account of the owner, but I've sent an email there without reply. My guess is they've just created the Google account for the phone, but use a different email address (if they check any, at all).

I see WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Behance, Messages & Uber notifications (there may be some others, I don't recall right now), but with their content hidden.

How can I unlock the phone to be able to access WhatsApp/Messages/Contacts to contact someone who can contact me with the owner?

I've tried calling their service provider, but they weren't able to find the IMEI on their users database. They've suggested me on the phone to try going to an actual store since they may have better info, but I didn't have the chance yet.

The phone doesn't have an SD card - so no luck trying to get something out of there.

There are no Emergency contacts set up.

I can access the camera without unlocking the phone. That allowed me to take a picture to a message stating a way to contact me, just in case there was any cloud backup setup - but I have not been contacted yet.

I was able to connect to a WiFi using the Camera to read a QR code. I wasn't able to connect to a password-protected WiFi network via the WiFi menu, but I could using the QR code. May there be any other QR action that I could exploit to help me?

It's a Movistar phone, from Argentina, if that makes any difference - but I'm expecting any workaround at the phone/OS level.

From the recovery mode, I could get the Android version is 8.1.0/OPS28.65-36-14/63857. It also says motorola/sanders_retail/sanders, if that helps.

I've just found in HIBP that the user e-mail was part of the Canva breach - but I couldn't find the actual leaked data on a really quick Google search.

Connecting via USB, adb devices won't show it. I managed to get fastboot devices to list the phone when I reboot it and stay at the bootloader - but I haven't found how that may help.

I also tried putting a working SIM card in the phone and calling it from another phone. The idea was to use the conference call option to try to access the phone's contact list. Even though the phone said it had cellular signal, the call didn't make it - so it may already be blocked at the telco level.

I'd appreciate any suggestions to try.

(Just in case: I really want to return it back to the owner. If I was trying to keep it for myself, I'd just factory reset it and call it a day. I also don't intend to violate their privacy - just to contact them)

Say I have blocked google and the sorts with my router. Now Android thinks that the wifi has no connection because it can't ping google and uses my mobile data instead although the WiFi is perfectly fine.

How can I tell my phone to ping some other server in order to check the connection? (root is an option).

I am currently using this command adb shell "service call iphonesubinfo 1" to get IMEI number, but it only returns 1st one.

Does anyone know how I can get the 2nd IMEI number?

Everytime I take photos with my smartphone, I want to synchronize it automatically to my Google account. How to achieve that ?


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