Sample Code and Directory of libraries for Android Developers
Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior.
Menu resource example
The menu is structure from top to bottom, for example, the first one is the main button and the others will be the first option, second option and etc. The first item don't need to have a text because only the options have labels.
with tabs without the usage of fragments (simpler lifecycle).
is a well documented, high-level View container that supports zooming and panning of View hierarchies and more.
, to zoom and pan view hierarchiesZoomImageView
, a pinch-and-scale image container- Access to the inner
if interested
Supports animated transitions and an automatic center inside scaleType.
Library that allows you to scale, rotate, crop, alter aspect ratios, change brightness and contrast.
CacheManage for Android.
Beautiful Fancy Button on endorphins.
Icons, Borders, Radius for Android buttons with selectable 16 Icon Fonts precompiled! No need to manually using 
for icon font character anymore!
An Android Library that help you to customize views (Button, EditText, ImageView), by adding border with the size and color that you want, and give it the corner radius that you seems cool, and you can also make an imageview looks like a circle.
Kotlinify is a suite of extension and classes for easier daily android development in Kotlin.
Rx binding of stock Android Activities & Fragment Lifecycle, avoiding memory leak.
You can dispose an Rx operation when the activity state changes.
Or pause an Rx chain until it's not on an event, for example wait for activity to be resumed to perform an animation.
A lightweight, good expandability android library used for displaying different load pages like loading, error, empty, timeout or your custom load page when you do net job.
Android widget to present calendar in a recycler view. The idea was to replicate calendar the way calendar is presented in the amazing Airbnb app.
Konveyor is a tiny library which intends to battle RecyclerView.Adapter
Hell by introducing "Composition over inheritance" approach when dealing with RecyclerView adapters. While making your Adapter related logic testable by providing abstraction layer over its logic, it will make you forget all of the ViewType hassle all together.
Secure and efficient cryptography library for Android. (Auto fix SecureRandom bugs in API 18 and below.)
- AES-256 encryption algorithm
- CBC/CTR mode of operations
- Block padding with PKCS7 (only with CBC)
- Computationally secure random salt (of cipher block size)
- Password stretching with PBKDF2
- Random IV generated on each encryption (16 bytes)
- Supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hash functions
- Generate secure keys with SecureRandom or
- Asymmetric encryption with RSA
- Auto handle large data by using hybrid asymmetric encryption
- Supported RSA key sizes are 2048 bits and 4096 bits
This is an IntelliJ/Android Studio IDE plugin to detect the code with @Experimental and @Beta annotations and show a custom icon on the gutter when you use it.
Waterfall Toolbar is an Android version of Material Design's web component waterfall toolbar. Basically, what it does is dynamize an ordinary Toolbar, increasing and decreasing its shadow when an associated view is scrolled.
A smart switchable button, support multiple tabs.
Add clickable markers to android street view.
Provide Multiple Gradients in ImageViews and Texts. Integrate with ViewPager to change colors dynamically.
A viewpager indicator.
RevelyGradient is an Android library for easy gradient management!
2D Engines 3D Engines 9-Patch Action Bars Activities ADB Advertisements Analytics Animations ANR AOP API APK APT Architecture Audio Autocomplete Background Processing Backward Compatibility Badges Bar Codes Benchmarking Bitmaps Bluetooth Blur Effects Bread Crumbs BRMS Browser Extensions Build Systems Bundles Buttons Caching Camera Canvas Cards Carousels Changelog Checkboxes Cloud Storages Color Analysis Color Pickers Colors Comet/Push Compass Sensors Conferences Content Providers Continuous Integration Crash Reports Credit Cards Credits CSV Curl/Flip Data Binding Data Generators Data Structures Database Database Browsers Date & Debugging Decompilers Deep Links Dependency Injections Design Design Patterns Dex Dialogs Distributed Computing Distribution Platforms Download Managers Drawables Emoji Emulators EPUB Equalizers & Event Buses Exception Handling Face Recognition Feedback & File System File/Directory Fingerprint Floating Action Fonts Forms Fragments FRP FSM Functional Programming Gamepads Games Geocaching Gestures GIF Glow Pad Gradle Plugins Graphics Grid Views Highlighting HTML HTTP Mocking Icons IDE IDE Plugins Image Croppers Image Loaders Image Pickers Image Processing Image Views Instrumentation Intents Job Schedulers JSON Keyboard Kotlin Layouts Library Demos List View List Views Localization Location Lock Patterns Logcat Logging Mails Maps Markdown Mathematics Maven Plugins MBaaS Media Menus Messaging MIME Mobile Web Native Image Navigation NDK Networking NFC NoSQL Number Pickers OAuth Object Mocking OCR Engines OpenGL ORM Other Pickers Parallax List Parcelables Particle Systems Password Inputs PDF Permissions Physics Engines Platforms Plugin Frameworks Preferences Progress Indicators ProGuard Properties Protocol Buffer Pull To Purchases Push/Pull QR Codes Quick Return Radio Buttons Range Bars Ratings Recycler Views Resources REST Ripple Effects RSS Screenshots Scripting Scroll Views SDK Search Inputs Security Sensors Services Showcase Views Signatures Sliding Panels Snackbars SOAP Social Networks Spannable Spinners Splash Screens SSH Static Analysis Status Bars Styling SVG System Tags Task Managers TDD & Template Engines Testing Testing Tools Text Formatting Text Views Text Watchers Text-to Toasts Toolkits For Tools Tooltips Trainings TV Twitter Updaters USB User Stories Utils Validation Video View Adapters View Pagers Views Watch Face Wearable Data Wearables Weather Web Tools Web Views WebRTC WebSockets Wheel Widgets Wi-Fi Widgets Windows Wizards XML XMPP YAML ZIP Codes