adbi - The Android Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Toolkit
Simple binary instrumentation toolkit for Android ARM + Thumb.
Instrumentation is based on library injection and hooking function entry points (in-line hooking).
The toolkit consists of two main components the hijack tool and the base library.
The hijack tool provides the injection functionality. It supports a number of modes for supporting older and newer Android devices. hijack provides help on the command line.
The base library provides the hooking and unhooking functionality. The base library is compiled as a static library so it can be directly included in the actual instrumentation library. This is done so we can keep everything in /data/local/tmp.
Below we provide and easy to follow step-by-step instructions for howto build and use adbi. The example instrument hijacks epoll_wait() and logs every call to a file.
=== External Resources ===
more information at:
slide deck about this toolkit:
old code (with more examples):
=== Prerequisites ===
Android SDK Android NDK
=== How to Build ===
= build the hijack tool =
cd hijack cd jni ndk-build cd .. adb push libs/armeabi/hijack /data/local/tmp/ cd ..
= build the instrumentation base code =
cd instruments cd base cd jni ndk-build cd .. cd ..
= build instrumentation example =
cd example cd jni ndk-build cd .. adb push libs/armeabi/ /data/local/tmp/
=== How to Run ===
adb shell su cd /data/local/tmp >/data/local/tmp/adbi_example.log # GET PID from ./hijack -d -p PID -l /data/local/tmp/ cat adbi_example.log
output should look similar to:
started hooking:
epoll_wait = 0x4004c378 ARM using 0x4a84a588 epoll_wait() called epoll_wait() called epoll_wait() called removing hook for epoll_wait()