Android Month Calendar Widget Demo
A simple example of a responsive Month Calendar app widget for Android 4.1+.
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Implementation of List Item from Material Design guidelines.
Android Toolbar with marqueeable title / subtitle.
Shareable is a small android library to help implement direct share and social media actions into your android app. For example if you want to share something specifically to Twitter or Facebook.
The API is design to allow you to specify specific social channels to share to using the Builder design pattern. If the app is not available the default is to use all Intent.ACTION_SEND
apps on the phone.
ColorPickerDialog is an Android Library providing color picker dialog for single color or multi color selection from the ArrayList of colors provided by developer.
A delightful progress animation that you'll fall in love with, very easily.
Play store downloads/updates app in sequence because of the performance issues but still there are the cases when you need to download/upload things in parallel like AppStore or WhatsApp.
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