Android Permission Checker App
Android App to check requested permission details of all installed applications
This app can be used as a reference for learning
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- MVP architecture.
Sometimes you don't have enough space in your layout to display a wide progressbar. So this library gives you a complete new possibility to display a progress. You can simply show a progressbar around an image. This progressbar can be configured in a lot of different ways, like color, outline, display of the percentage and so on.
Android-MonthCalendarWidget is a simple example of a responsive Month Calendar app widget for Android 4.1+.
FragmentTransactionExtended is a library which provide us a set of custom animations between fragments.
A Java API to read, write and create MP4 container. Manipulating containers is different from encoding and decoding videos and audio.
What can you do?
android-spock allows to run Spock on Android.
Godot is a fully featured game engine. It focuses on having great tools, and a visual oriented workflow that can export to PC, Mobile and Web platforms with no hassle. The editor, language and APIs are feature rich, yet simple to learn, allowing you to become productive in a matter of hours.