Android Permission Checker App
Android App to check requested permission details of all installed applications
This app can be used as a reference for learning
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- MVP architecture.
HtmlDialog is an Android library that simplifies the display of HTML in a DialogFragment
. It is useful for displaying Open Source Licenses, EULAs, Terms of Service pages, etc.
A library containing a custom Service allowing to collect data from the Sensor.TYPE_STEP_COUNTER
introduced with Android 4.4 (available only for devices that supports this hardware feature).
MaterialLoadingProgressBar provides a styled ProgressBar
which looks like SwipeRefreshLayout
's loading indicator.
The MaterialDrawer library aims to provide a quick and easy Activity to create and implement a drawer layout in your application.
It's easy to select images on Android devices. You can choose images from the different albums and zoom them in the preview mode.
Dynamic loading framework for Android.