Android Permission Checker App
Android App to check requested permission details of all installed applications
This app can be used as a reference for learning
- RxJava2
- Dagger2
- MVP architecture.
Common re-usable module repository for the convenience of Android application development.
HorizontalPicker is an open source android library that enables users to select single item by scrolling or tapping left and right to move between an array of items.
A practical and easy-to-use Android application to apply several filters to an image at once.
Filters: Boost-Up Colors, Brightness, Color Depth, Color Filter, Contrast, Emboss, Flip and Rotation, Gamma, Gaussian Blur, Grayscale, Hue, Invert, Noise, Saturation, Sepia, Sharpen, Sketch, Tint, Vignette
Simple events bus (publish–subscribe) implementation based on regular Android BroadcastReceivers
The recommended pattern for Android's equivalent to cron jobs and Windows scheduled tasks is to use AlarmManager
. This works well when coupled with an IntentService
, as the service will do its work on a background thread and shut down when there is no more work to do.
There's one small problem: IntentService does nothing to keep the device awake. If the alarm was a WAKEUP variant, the phone will only stay awake on its own while the BroadcastReceiver handling the alarm is in its onReceive() method. Otherwise, the phone may fall back asleep.
attempts to combat this by combining the ease of IntentService with a partial WakeLock.
ViewPager with custom aspect ratio.