Android SDK Firefox Extension
A Firefox extension that adds view source links for the Android SDK.
This extension is derived from Roman Nurik's Android SDK Search Extension for Chrome, all copyrights for source and icon belongs to him.
Source link:
A Firefox extension that adds view source links for the Android SDK.
This extension is derived from Roman Nurik's Android SDK Search Extension for Chrome, all copyrights for source and icon belongs to him.
Add a long shadow on any Android View.
Slick is an Android library to create applications following the principles of Clean Architecture. Slick simplify using the Clean Architecture.
You can get colors from your gallery pictures or custom images just using touch with multi-selectors.
Easy RecyclerView
ItemDecoration. Flexible for multiple styles, such as margins, colours, drawables, show/hide, etc.
There is a bunch of useful widgets and navigation classes to make your app clear and simpler. Include features like font from asses via xml, complex background, resizable compound drawables, FlowLayout and SlideMenuLayout (expand menu from any direction), custom backstack (abstract + fragments impl).
Android EditText
wrapper to support text / emoji / camera / media input.