Simple library to use textinputlayout with spinner (EditTextSpinner) view
to use this:
compile 'me.himanshusoni.edittextspinner:edit-text-spinner:1.0'
Source link: https://github.com/himanshu-soni/EditTextSpinner
Simple library to use textinputlayout with spinner (EditTextSpinner) view
to use this:
compile 'me.himanshusoni.edittextspinner:edit-text-spinner:1.0'
If you like developing Android, you must "hate" Spinners. I had countless issues with Spinners and I decided to make a new one. BetterSpinner is using AutoCompleteTextView to do what a Spinner really should do.
A collection of TextWatcher
s for Android, it comes with CPF/CNPJ formatting, and a Brazil telephone.
A quick and simple way to paint your Drawables the color you want.
PagerDatePicker is a library for Android which allows to setup horizontal date list picker.
Animation for Circular disappearance, such as "add product to cart" or "move object to trash".
Android auto scroll viewpager or viewpager in viewpager.