Simple library to use textinputlayout with spinner (EditTextSpinner) view
to use this:
compile 'me.himanshusoni.edittextspinner:edit-text-spinner:1.0'
Source link: https://github.com/himanshu-soni/EditTextSpinner
Simple library to use textinputlayout with spinner (EditTextSpinner) view
to use this:
compile 'me.himanshusoni.edittextspinner:edit-text-spinner:1.0'
This library provide syncing of SharedPreferences
between handheld and wearable.
An Android View widget for displaying GIF animations.
socialize-sdk-android is an Android social sharing SDK for native apps.
Official site: www.getsocialize.com
RushOrm replaces the need for SQL by mapping java classes to SQL tables.
Core features:
android-gesture-detectors is a gesture detector framework for multitouch handling on Android, based on Android's ScaleGestureDetector.
droidQuery is an Android port of jQuery, and is designed to be as syntactically alike as possible in Java.