A collection of examples demonstrating different techniques for automated testing with Espresso.
Simple date and time pickers. Sample App available on Play Store.
Detective Droid is here to help you investigate what libraries are being used inside applications that are installed on your device.
This makes it really easy to see what other developers/companies are using to develop their applications.
Detective Droid requires no permissions and works on Android version 2.2 and beyond.
facebooklogin is a lightweight version of the Facebook SDK. Its main purpose is to login with Facebook and obtain the user's Access Token.
EmailAutoCompleteTextView inherits from AutoCompleteTextView and uses the unique emails associated with the device to provide auto-complete functionality for email input fields. It also provides an "x" button on the right hand side as an easy way to clear text.
KISS Tools for Android.
Basic utils classes for android development: BitmapUtil, BundleUtil, ClipboardUtil, DeviceUtil, DrawableUtil, FileUtil, JSONUtil, KeyboardUtil, LogUtil, MediaUtil, NetworkUtil, ResourceUtil, ZipUtil, etc.
Bounce Scroller is a library for Android platform that provides iOS-like bounce scroller effect and can also be used as pull-to-refresh.