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Firebase Phone Number Auth.
How to send message code to phone number with firebase Authentication ?
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Firebase Phone Number Auth.
How to send message code to phone number with firebase Authentication ?
Q & A
Kotlin delegates for Android Shared Preferences.
Add a cart icon with animated item counter to the Toolbar. You can increment the counter based on the number of unique items the user has in the shopping cart.
Another floating action button menu with expand/collapse behavior.
Menu resource example
The menu is structure from top to bottom, for example, the first one is the main button and the others will be the first option, second option and etc. The first item don't need to have a text because only the options have labels.
with tabs without the usage of fragments (simpler lifecycle).
is a well documented, high-level View container that supports zooming and panning of View hierarchies and more.
, to zoom and pan view hierarchiesZoomImageView
, a pinch-and-scale image containerZoomEngine
if interestedSupports animated transitions and an automatic center inside scaleType.
Library that allows you to scale, rotate, crop, alter aspect ratios, change brightness and contrast.
Q & A