Swipe to show menu button!
Touch and move to show buttons. Touch up and you have 1 second to select button.
under MIT License.
Source link: https://github.com/maxyou/gesturebutton
Touch and move to show buttons. Touch up and you have 1 second to select button.
under MIT License.
It's Java library to manage your object transformations between your POJO objects.
android-bind library helps to you on the process related to data binds between your model entities and your application UI, offering a bidirectional data channel.
PluginManager is used to manage android applications like eclipse plugins. you can start an activity from an uninstalled APK placed in SD card, just like it has installed or registered in the application's AndroidManifest.xml.
J2ObjC is an open-source command-line tool from Google that translates Java code to Objective-C for the iOS (iPhone/iPad) platform. This tool enables Java code to be part of an iOS application's build, as no editing of the generated files is necessary. The goal is to write an app's non-UI code (such as data access, or application logic) in Java, which is then shared by web apps (using GWT), Android apps, and iOS apps.
Smart Gallery with Single and Multiple image pick action.
android-inapp-billing-v3 is a simple, straight-forward implementation of the Android v3 In-app billing API.
It supports: In-App Product Purchases (both non-consumable and consumable) and Subscriptions.