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Google Play, formerly the Android Market, is a digital distribution platform for applications for the Android operating system and an online electronics and digital media store, operated by Google.
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Google Play, formerly the Android Market, is a digital distribution platform for applications for the Android operating system and an online electronics and digital media store, operated by Google.
Versatile map area / geofence utility for google maps v2 for android. Create geofence areas in your map by initializing MarkerBuilderManager
Android Library demonstrating a material intro tutorial much like the ones on Google Sheets
This library creates an introduction screen for your application. The help tutorial takes the background colour set for each page and when scrolling between the two pages, the two colours will fade into one another.
A simple but powerful Tween / SpriteSheet / ParabolicMotion / animation library for Android TextureView
and SurfaceView
This library has been built in order to provide a Reactive wrapper around the Android Network Service Discovery API and the JmDNS implementation for older devices.