An imitation of the clock in Google I/O 2016 . Almost all of the animations and images in it are made by the SVG , so this library may be a wonderful material to learn the SVG's usage in Android . Chinese README is here .
My God ! Why it doesn't appear ... if you can't find the gif , visit here
##Installation You can install GoogleClock by adding the following dependency to your build.gradle:
allprojects {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://jitpack.io"
dependencies {
compile 'com.github.lypeer:GoogleClock:1.0.0'
###Simple Usage :
Just to add the GoogleClock to your activity's xml :
And then the clock will appear .
###Complex Usage
Of course , you can do some configuration in the xml :
You can configure the following xml attributes for the clock :
attribute | value type | defalut value | description |
lyClockWidth | dimen | 0dp | The size of numbers in the clock . But it's priority is lower than the below three attributes . |
lyHourWidth | dimen | 48dp | The size of the hour part in the clock . |
lyMinWidth | dimen | 48dp | The size of the minutes part in the clock . |
lySecWidth | dimen | 32dp | The size of the second part in the clock . |
lyDividerHorizontal | dimen | 4dp | The divider's width between the two number in hour , minute and snecond . |
lyDividerVertical | dimen | 16dp | The devider's width of the two lines (Hours and mintues are in the same line while seconds the other). |
lyTheme | reference | LyTheme | The custom theme . |
Your can define a custom theme to change more in the clock , such as following :
<style name="LyTheme2" parent="LyTheme">
<item name="lyColor0">@color/colorRed</item>
<item name="lyColor1">@color/colorYellow</item>
<item name="lyColor2">@color/colorGreen</item>
<item name="lyColor3">@color/colorBlue</item>
<item name="lyColorColon">@color/colorDarkBlue</item>
<item name="lyThickness">@integer/lyThickness_4</item>
<item name="lyColonThickness">@integer/lyThickness_1</item> </style>
You should let The custom theme's parent be LyTheme so that you can only override the attributes you want to change . If not , your theme must contains all of the attributes in LyTheme , or some view may can't work . LyTheme contains following attributes :
attributes | value type | default value | description |
lyColor0 | color | @color/colorRed | The first color in the numbers . |
lyColor1 | color | @color/colorYellow | The second color in the numbers . |
lyColor2 | color | @color/colorGreen | The third color in the numbers . |
lyColor3 | color | @color/colorBlue | The forth color in the numbers . |
lyColorColon | color | @color/colorDarkBlue | The color of the colon . |
lyThickness | integer | 4 | Number's thickness . |
lyColonThickness | integer | 1 | Colon's thickness . |
Ok , that's all about usage . There is a demo in the library .
- org.greenrobot:eventbus:3.0.0
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