Iris is an android speech to text app
Near is a P2P library for Android for:
It provides a much simpler alternative to Android WiFi Direct and Service Discovery APIs.
ReactiveAirplaneMode is an Android library listening airplane mode with RxJava Observables. This library is compatible with RxJava2 and RxAndroid2.
The main purpose of this repo is to reduce the boiler plate code used in RecyclerViewTemplate. Yeah! All you have to just mark the fields in the template wizards. Now, you're good to go.
An annotation-processing based library that helps avoiding big if/else blocks through the "Command" pattern, where every block is declared in a separate method, and this method is annotated with @Command, and this command is triggered if the key mentioned in the @Command meets the condition expected. No Reflections used.
A simple android library to play with GIF.
A simple WYSIWYG Editor for Android based on Summernote.