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Open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
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Open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
Quoteable is a simple library to request random quotes from the free Forismatic Quote API to help implement quotes into your app.
A synchronous CallAdapter.Factory
implementation for Retrofit 2. This project brings Retrofit 1's synchronous usage to Retrofit 2.
The DynamicPagerAdapter extends Android's PagerAdapter to do four important things:
Has an accessible HashMap View cache using ViewHolders. The default implementaiton has caching, but it isn't enforced and users of the PagerAdapter don't get access to it.
Provides the capability to use multiple view types just like RecyclerView.
Handles data set changes in a much more friendly way, allowing items to be removed, added, etc. with less issues and effort on your end.
Includes optional discard animations. These are exposed for you to call when you want or to override and create your own.
A customizable water gauge to display devices orientation.
An android library to display a rate dialog in an easy way.
AnimatedLoadingIndicator is a animated Progress Dialog.