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Open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
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Open source high performance realtime 3D engine written in C++.
Q & A
Library to save image locally and shows options to open and share.
This dial widget is an advanced rotation control that you can easily include into any Android project in the form of an AAR file (Androids’ equivalent of a JAR file). You can think of this Dial control as a gesture library that is just concerned with rotation; having all of the conceivable behaviour you could possibly want in a rotation control. It comes with a free demo app.
Kotlin Wrapper for Jsoup using Pojo and Delegated Properties like bindText
, bindAttr
, bindImage
, bindLink
, bindList
, bindClass
Awesome dialog is a simple wrapper class to allow user to make awesome dialogs and replace the usual dialog from android.
Ganalytics is tiny api layer for any analytics in application. It provides object oriented, typesafe, stricked and testable way for organize work with analytics through the application.
A Custom View to indicate multiple fragments with a triangular indicator.
Q & A