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jimu Mirror provides live, on-device previews of Android layouts. It also allows you to create realistic prototypes of Android native UI without Java code.
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jimu Mirror provides live, on-device previews of Android layouts. It also allows you to create realistic prototypes of Android native UI without Java code.
jlog is an useful log tool for android developers.
NsdHelper is a wrapper/helper library for Android Network Service Discovery.
This is a custom dialog attached at the bottom.
This library is heavily inspired by AwesomeValidation but with no external dependencies. It makes it very light weight.
A simple Progress Spinner.
A real time frames per second measuring library for Android that also shows a color coded metric. This metric is based on percentage of time spent when you have dropped 2 or more frames. If the application spends more than 5% in this state then the color turns yellow, when you have reached the 20% threshold the indicator turns red.